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It means that the person always looks happy. when something goes wrong the person will look at the positive side (good side) . For example, one side of an apple is rotten. Although it sounds bad he will make a positive remark like: Luckily, we can eat the other half of the apple.

Although the situation is bad, he or she will try to brighten up your mood or make the situation better by making positive remarks.

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Q: What does it mean when someone has a positive attitude?
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It means they have confidence

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A person with a positive attitude has an optimistic outlook on life. An example would be someone who has had numerous obstacles in life but still continue to have hope for the future and keep a smile on their face.

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Agreeable is a positive attitude. It begins with the letter a.

How does attitude affects communication?

The way someone communicates with you, gives you a view of how they view you, their attitude towards you. Think about it. If you have a "bad attitude" towards someone, you can try and fake it (use all those well taught communication skills - listen, nod, establish rapport, empathise). Actually these are just descriptions of what you can notice when someone has a good/positive attitude towards someone.

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You have an bad behavioral problem

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Loving is a positive attitude. Loyal is another positive attitude.

What does it mean when someone has a flip attitude?

This is probably a corruption of the term "flippant attitude". An attitude that is disrespectfully light-hearted or lacking appropriate seriousness.

What is the message of the poem attitude by Charles swindoll?

to have a positive outlook on life and to keep a positive attitude.

What does nonchalant attitude mean?

Nonchalant means rude and not proper so if someone would have that attitude it would mean that person wasn't a very polite person.

Have a can do attitude?

think positive

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