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Q: What does it mean when someone talks to themselves all the time?
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A chatterbox LOL

When girls introduce themselves first to you does it mean that they like you?

No it doesn't they might be trying to be nice or they could like you but every time someone introduce themselves first to you doesn't mean they like you. GOOD LUCK

What does it mean when a boy uses a nice voice when he talks to you and his man voice when he talks to other people?

It mean he likes you maybe trying to flewrt with you! and ask you out some time!

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Well-adapted means something or someone is readily able to deal with the circumstances which present themselves at any time

There is this guy you like and his dad talks to you all the time does that mean the guy you like likes you?

? Because the dad talks to you? maybe the dad likes you.

What does it mean if your girlfriend talks to your best friend more than she talks to you?

It means she likes hanging out with her best friend. She'll spend time with you too.

What does it mean when someone says that they don't take themselves seriously?

It means that they have a low self esteem and try to joke about themselves. Taking yourself seriously means respecting yourself and not joking around all of the time.

What are the 5 conversation killers?

your exes, your diseases/diseases you think you have highly technical jargonated topics like the ins and outs of betting for example, ESPECIALLY if the other person doesn't like that hobby. your boring job anything you are obsessed with gets a bit boring. Answer Someone who talks about themselves the entire time or someone who talks constantly without allowing the other person or people to respond. Someone who brags a lot is also a conversation killer. No one wants to hear someone go on and on about themselves or brag about things. When these kinds of things are going on in a "conversation", I'm pretty much done talking and will generally leave.

What is the term adapted mean?

Well-adapted means something or someone is readily able to deal with the circumstances which present themselves at any time

What does it mean when a guy talks nasty all the time on the phone?

That he probably only wants sex out of you...

Someone who dislikes contact with other people?

A loner. A loner is someone who enjoys time by themselves more than time with others