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Q: What does it mean when the human joint is preserved?
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If a joint space is preserved, it means the space is normal and not showing signs of arthritis. In your case, the joint spaces in the knee were found to be normal.

What does joint resection do with ligaments?

Ligament attachments are preserved as much as possible

Which is not a type of human joint?

slider joint

What type of joint is in human shoulders?

Ball and socket joint

What is an example of a condyloid joint that is not in the human body?

biaxial joint

What is a human joint?

A joint is where two or more bones meet.

How are the elbow joint of a cow and a human elbow joint similar?

Both are mammals. So you have humerus above and ulna below, which take part in elbow joint. Both the cow and human have hinge type of joint with two collateral ligaments to support the joint. Only difference is that you have 180 degree rotation of humerus in human and not so in case of cow.

What are three joints found in the human body?

knee joint, arm joint and elbow joint

Where is the balloon and socket joint?

Balloon socket joint is not there in human body. You have ball and socket joint in your body. Shoulder joint and hip joint are the example of this type of joint.

What can break human bone?

human the bone crace to joint

Which joint is most flexible?

in our human body the most mobile joint is shoulder joint.. its is a ball and socket type of of synovial joint.

What does 'Preserved mean in medical terms?

Grossly preserved means that to the naked eye, it looks intact.