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It implies the law of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can oonly be changed from one form to another.

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Q: What does it mean when the net charge is conserved in a closed system?
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What does consvation of charge mean?

It means that the total charge in a closed system doesn't change.

What does the law of conservation of change mean?

Not "change", but "charge". Conservation of charge means that the total charge in a closed system can't change.

What does it mean when you say electric charge is conversed?

That means that in a closed system, the total amount of electrical charge won't change over time.

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What does it mean to say energy is conserved within a system?

When an object is accelerated along a distance that requires energy. If the object is then slowed to a stop by a breaking system that gets back that energy then the energy is said to be conserved

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Closed captioning is the system where text or subtitles are displayed under the current running program on television. The system is used to aid hearing impaired viewers to enjoy the programs.

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-Joanna Tantay

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Does Einstein's famous equation suggests that mass and energy together are conserved or not?

Einstein wrote more than one 'famous equation', but the one you mean is e=mc2 . This shows that mass may be converted to energy, or energy to mass, under the right conditions. c2 gives the rate of exchange between the two. Since c (the speed of light) is a large number, its square implies a ruinous exchange rate if you want to create mass, and a good deal if you can turn mass into energy. In any closed system you can begin by measuring the quantities of energy and mass, then use the equation to convert mass to energy, or vice versa. Then, whatever you do in your closed system, the total mass equivalent, or energy equivalent, will remain what it was before. In short, mass-energy is conserved.