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Flattening of the Pons is typically associated with several neurological conditions causing autonomic dysfunction.

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Q: What does it mean when there is a flattening of the pons in the human brain?
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What 2 major brain areas are involved in the nervous control of breathing?

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Pons is a part of which system?

The pons is an area of the brain, making it a part of the neurological system.

What can harm the Pons?

stroke in that area of the brain

Abnormality in the pons of the brain?

The pons of the brain generally functions to send information from the forebrain to the cerebellum. It plays a large role in sleep paralysis and generation of dreams, and damage to the pons often results in sleep abnormalities.

What is the section of the human encephalon which comprises the pons cerebellum and medulla?

These two structures are located in the brainstem which is the most posterior part of the brain.

Includes the medulla and pons?

The brain stem contains three parts. They are the midbrain, pons, and medulla.

What is the differenc in human vs sheep brain dealing with the ponsmedulla?

The human pons is larger (pons serves as a bridge of communication between cerebellum and cerebrum) The sheep medulla is larger (Medulla controls vital functions (breathing and heart beat))

What does the mid brain of the brain contain?

the midbrain contains the pons, medulla oblongata and the the brain stem.

What structure is part of the brainstem?

The main parts of the brain stem are the medulla oblongata (myelencephalon), pons (part of metencephalon), and midbrain (mesencephalon). There are also many other structures such as various nuclei and neuronal pathways.

How is the pons active while driving a car?

The pons acts as a bridge in the brain sending information to other parts of the brain, the stop sign one sees while driving will be sent to the pons before it is sent to the occipital lobes.