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It's more likely to be a side effect from NuvaRing than a miscarriage. If it's a miscarriage, you'll have a positive pregnancy test. Take a home pregnancy test, and contact your health care provider if it's positive. If heavy bleeding lasts longer than a few days, or if it recurs on your next NuvaRing cycle, contact your health care provider.

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Q: What does it mean when you're on the NuvaRing for 2 months and then start heavily bleeding even though the NuvaRing is still being used is that a miscarriage?
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What are warning signs of a miscarriage on the nuvaring?

The signs of pregnancy on NuvaRing are positive pregnancy test and missed periods. Take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.

Have other women experienced bleeding for months after discontinuing NuvaRing?

Sure, but Nuvaring is unlikely to be the cause. If you're having continuous spotting or bleeding, get an exam to find the cause.

Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months without bleeding?

Yes you can have a miscarriage at any point in pregnancy and not bleed or have any normal signs of miscarriage

If you had a miscarriage two months ago is it normal that you're still bleeding if you didn't have a D and C?

No it isn't normal to continue bleeding two months after a miscarriage. Do a pregnancy test to find out if your still pregnant. HCG will be gone from your urine now and the test will be negative if your not pregnant. Also contact your doctor about the bleeding. You may have part of the fetus left inside of you which is causing the bleeding.

You started bleeding heavily a week before your period and you have no other symptoms of a normal period such as cramping sore breasts etc Could you have been pregnant and now having a miscarriage?

Probably not. A week or so either way doesn't mean you are pregnant and some months you don't have all the symptoms. If it was a miscarriage you would have had more than that.

If you are two months pregnant and are bleeding deep red blood is it definitely a miscarriage?

Not definitely, but it is important that you go to the hospital to get checked out

When does your period stop after inserting NuvaRing?

Yes, stopping NuvaRing will normally cause bleeding. Just as you bleed when you remove NuvaRing after three weeks, you will have withdrawal bleeding after you stop NuvaRing permanently. Your regular menstrual pattern should restart within four to six weeks.

5 months pregnant you are have Sharp pains but you are not bleeding are you having a miscarriage?

Only your doctor can answer that question.You should call your provider immediately.

When do you get your period after starting NuvaRing?

In the first three months of use, you might have irregular bleeding, but you can expect it to settle down to a pattern of bleeding during the ring-free week, often starting on the fourth, fifth, or sixth day the ring is out. Put the new ring in on schedule regardless of whether you're still bleeding.

What happens if you get your period while NuvaRing is still in?

If you get your period while NuvaRing is in, continue using the ring as scheduled. You can use tampons or pads for bleeding according to your preference. This unscheduled bleeding is common during the first three months of using the ring. If it lasts longer or has other symptoms, or if it just bother you, talk to your heatlh care provider about other birth control options.

Is it possible to miscarriage after 4 months?

Yes it is...I suffered a miscarriage at 8 months.

If you Menstrual cycle is abnormal for several months can you become anemic?

If you are bleeding heavily each period you can become anaemic. You should see a doctor to find the cause of the bleeding and to check for side effects.