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You may have added them as a friend but if you visit someone's profile page and it says add friend on their profile it means they deleted you as a friend. Deleting friends is common on Facebook and most times if you have a lot of friends you won't notice it.

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Q: What does it mean when you add someone on Facebook and it says they accepted but they're not on your friends list or wall and it says add friend on their profile i don't get it?
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If they blocked you you cannot see their profile. The only way you can see someone's profile is if your their friend on Facebook.

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Im guessing that if you go to someone's profile and see them as one of your friends they are supposed to be a mutual friend

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There is no function for that in Facebook, as of now.

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a stalker on facebook is someone who looks at your profile alot.

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Unfortunately, Facebook does not have that function.

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you can know if you put the mouse on someone's profile you'll read one or may be more than one mutual friends;this means that you & this persons have friends in common

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If someone blocks you from seeing their facebook profile can they still see your Facebook profile?

no, they cant see anything you do, and you cant see anything they do!

How do you view peoples profile on facebook?

To view someone's profile, click on their name! You just have to be their friend on facebook and then you can view their profile. If you don't add them as a friend then you can only see certain parts of their profile!