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Aligning your index fingers together in sign language can represent the concept of "connection" or "agreement." It can also signify the idea of two entities coming together in unity or partnership.

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Q: What does it mean when you align your index fingers together in sign language?
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How do you say friend in sign language?

In American Sign Language (ASL), the sign for "friend" is made by linking the index fingers of both hands together and moving them in a circular motion.

What does touching two index fingers together mean in sign language?

Touching two index fingers together in sign language can represent the concept of "relationship" or "connection." It can be used to convey the idea of two things or people being connected or related to each other in some way.

What is 'W' in sign language?

Make a W with your middle, ring and index fingers

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If you are a male put both index fingers next to eachother than that symbolises how long your penis is. (when i say put both index fingers together i mean nail to nail, if that makes sense)

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To sign the letter U in American Sign Language, extend your pinky, ring, and middle fingers straight up while tucking in your index and thumb fingers. This handshape represents the letter U.

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How do you say peace in sign language?

To sign peace in American Sign Language, extend your dominant hand with palm facing inward and bring your index and middle fingers together while keeping the other fingers extended. Then place your hand on your chin and move it downward.

What is boy in sign language?

In American Sign Language (ASL), the sign for "boy" involves making a "B" handshape by closing your fingers with your thumb extended, then touching your cheek twice with the index and middle fingers.

When someone puts two index fingers what does it mean?

Putting two index fingers together typically symbolizes emphasis and agreement with a point being made. It can also be used to indicate a small space or distance.

How to sign my name is Frances in sign language?

MY pat a hand on your chest NAME with both hands, hold out the index and middle fingers together, then tap one set of fingers onto the other twice. FRANCES spell the letters of your name. you can find out the alphaebet easily

What life in sign language?

Make an 'L' with both of your hands. Put your index fingers on your hip, then bring up

Is there such thing as a two sided shape?

yes, but it would have curved sides. join your index fingers and thumbs together