


Sign Language

Sign language is a form of communication used by deaf people. Sign language involves the use of hands, facial expressions and body language to communicate. The first historic mention of sign language dates back to writings by Socrates in the 5th Century BC.

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Contoh teks report animal?

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Kofbola adalah agen situs judi bola mix parlay SBOBET terpercaya di Indonesia yang memiliki reputasi judi online 24 jam terbaik sejak tahun 2018 hingga saat ini. Mereka dikenal karena menawarkan berbagai jenis taruhan sepak bola dan layanan pelanggan yang responsif, memastikan pengalaman bermain yang aman dan menyenangkan bagi para penggunanya.

How do you sign dog in sign language?

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To sign "dog" in American Sign Language, use the dominant hand to pat the back of the non-dominant hand (which is held flat like a "K" handshape) twice, mimicking the action of calling a dog.

What is the Roman name and Greek name of the moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Roman name for the moon is "Luna", and the Greek name is "Selene".

What is your sun sign and moon sign if your born on feb 3rd?

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If you are born on February 3rd, your sun sign would be Aquarius. To determine your moon sign, the exact time and location of your birth are necessary. Without that information, it's not possible to accurately determine your moon sign.

What are articulate animals?

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Articulate animals are those that have the ability to communicate effectively, such as dolphins, certain primates, and some bird species like parrots. These animals can produce a wide range of vocalizations or gestures to convey specific meanings or messages to others. Their communication abilities often allow them to express complex thoughts and emotions.

Lion body language?

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Lions use body language to communicate various messages such as dominance, submission, aggression, and affection. They may use vocalizations, facial expressions, tail movements, and body postures to convey their feelings and intentions to other lions in their pride. Understanding lion body language can provide valuable insights into their social dynamics and behavior.

How do you say earthquake in sign language?

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In American Sign Language (ASL), the sign for "earthquake" is made by using both hands to make a sideways shaking motion. It mimics the movement of the ground during an earthquake.

How is froth a sign that something is respiring?

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Froth in a biological system such as yeast fermentation is a sign of respiration because the production of carbon dioxide gas during respiration can create bubbles in the liquid, leading to froth formation. This is often observed in processes where sugars are being converted into energy through cellular respiration.

What is the largest sign language in the world?

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American Sign Language (ASL) is considered the largest sign language in the world in terms of the number of users and its influence on other sign languages worldwide. It is used by a significant deaf and hard of hearing population in the United States and parts of Canada.

How do you say hello in Kenya?

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"African" is not a language. Africa is a continent that contains 54 countries and more than 2100 completely different languages. Some estimates place the number of languages at around 3000.

If you have any quesitons about African languages, you will have to specify the language.

The most prominent languages spoken in Africa are:


How do you describe sound?

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Sound is a form of energy created by vibrations traveling through a medium like air or water. These vibrations are detected by our ears and then processed by our brains to give us the sensation of hearing. Sound can vary in pitch, volume, and tone, creating different auditory experiences.

Can you give examples of compound?

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A compound is a substance formed when two or more elements are chemically joined. Water, salt, and sugar are examples of compounds. Most pure substances are compounds A compound is a substance formed when two or more elements are chemically joined. Water, salt, and sugar are examples of compounds. Most pure substances are compounds
A compound is something that has two or more atoms bound together. An example would be water, glucose, alcohol, vinegar.

What is the best website to learn sign language?

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Asked by Curios Girl

There are several. Here is one................

What sign language alphabet?

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Asked by Kamrul Hasan

The American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet is extremely important when learning ASL.

The British Sign Language (BSL) is another important part of the sign language family. The British Sign Language is the language used in the Babbie signs that are used on the streets. These signs are very similar to the American ‘Q’ and ‘E’ alphabets. However, the British Sign Language has two versions: British English and American English. The British Sign Language is the language of the deaf and hard of hearing people who can’t speak or hear well, and it is spoken differently than American English by these people.

Both ASL and BSL have four main alphabets that are commonly used: the upper case ‘a’, lower case ‘a upper case ‘e’ and the middle case’. The British Sign Language (BSL) and American Sign Language (ASL) share some of the same alphabets. But there are differences in how the signs are used and in the way they’re presented.

In ASL the letter sounds are made by the lips moving from left to right and vice versa. In BSL the lips move in the same direction but the sound is different. In British English, the same sound is produced by making the letter ‘a’ sound followed by an open ‘a’ in the mouth. In American English, the sound is made by the lips moving from right to left and then by closing the mouth as in the pronunciation of the word ‘the’.

As we have mentioned, the British Sign Language has its own alphabet. However, the American version is based on the British alphabet. This alphabet was designed so that deaf and hard of hearing individuals would be able to communicate with the wider public. It is the only language that uses the Roman alphabet. It also has special signs such as the sound ‘th’ for tone, and the sound’s’ for certain words.

For those who are learning American Sign Language (ASL) it’s important to learn the basic hand gestures associated with the sign language alphabet. For example, the sign for the letter ‘I’ is made by placing one’s hand on the tip of the ‘I’ finger and then bringing the hand down slowly to touch the bottom of the ‘I’ finger. The hand motion used for the sound ‘th’ is similar but using the thumb and fingers in a triangle shape. By doing these simple gestures over again you can learn the ASL signs. It’s important to be patient with this process, since it may take some time to get your hand motion down completely.

Many people think that the way American Sign Language works is similar to the way that the manual alphabet used to be used. Although you do move the hands and fingers of the person who uses sign language, the signals are not read the same way in both countries. The deaf sign language alphabets that are used in the United States and the United Kingdom differ because of many reasons.

For example, British Sign Language does not use the Roman alphabet, which has seven letters in each direction. The ASL deaf sign language alphabet, on the other hand, has twenty-two letters in each direction, including up and down and the beginning and end of the words. This is something that has caused some problems, especially for children who are learning to sign. But with a little patience and effort anyone can learn the sign language alphabet, including children who may have difficulties reading the text.


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Asked by Angie Battistone-Potosky is a great website. If you click "QuizMe" on the home page, it will quiz you on your signing, or you can just go to the dictionary to learn new words or phrases.

How can you teach a baby sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

To teach a baby sign language, start with simple signs like "more," "milk," and "all done." Consistently use the signs while saying the associated word to reinforce the connection. Be patient and consistent, and remember that babies may not start signing back immediately.

How can I learn to communicate with a hearing impaired individual?

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You can learn to communicate with a hearing impaired individual by using methods like learning sign language, using facial expressions and gestures, speaking clearly and facing the person, providing written communication when needed, and being patient and understanding. It's also helpful to ask the person how they prefer to communicate and to be open to learning new ways to effectively communicate with them.

What it is To sign a check on the back on the left hand end?

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Signing a check on the back on the left-hand end is a way to endorse it. This endorsement gives authorization for the bank to process the check and deposit or cash it. It should include the signature of the payee as it appears on the front of the check.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of sign language?

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Advantages of sign language include facilitating communication for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, providing a visual means of expression, and promoting cultural awareness and inclusivity. Disadvantages may include limited accessibility for those who do not know sign language, potential misinterpretation of signs, and the need for widespread adoption and recognition in society.

How do you sign you and me together forever?

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Asked by Wiki User

To sign "you and me together forever," you can sign "FOREVER WE TWO" using American Sign Language (ASL). Place your non-dominant hand in a flat, palm-up position and connect your bent forefingers with the fingertips touching to symbolize the two people being together for eternity.

What dose touching your chin with index finger to you chest mean in sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

In American Sign Language, touching your chin with your index finger and bringing it down to your chest typically means "I love you." It is a common gesture used to convey affection or love towards someone.

How do you say how in sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

IMPROVED: Let me try to simplify this. Make an L with both hands. Face them towards each other but not touching. Move them in little circles like pedaling a bicycle backwards, then shake them very slightly as you move them apart from one another (moving the hands out right/leftward). This is the sign for 'sign language'.

Old answer: It's rather hard to explain a sign to someone in words since you cannot show it to them, so I'll do the best I can.

The sign for sign language starts out with the ONE hand (index finger). Both of the hands move in a circular motion toward and away from the body around the chest area.

That is the sign used for just the word sign or sign language combined. If you want to have sign language as a compound sign, the sign for language starts out with the L hand. The L's move in small circles away from each other at about the mid-section of the body. So you can sign the word SIGN followed by LANGUAGE to sign the compound sign for sign language.

Sorry if that seems a little confusing. It's not the easiest to put some things like explanations of signs into words.

What goal do you achieve learning sign language?

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Learning sign language can help foster communication and understanding with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, creating a more inclusive and accessible environment. It can also provide a unique skillset for careers in fields like interpretation, education, or advocacy for the deaf community. Additionally, learning sign language can enrich your own linguistic abilities and cognitive development.

What is the difference between ASL and Spanish sign language?

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ASL (American Sign Language) is a distinct sign language used in the United States and parts of Canada, while Spanish Sign Language (Lengua de Señas Española) is used in Spain and some Latin American countries. They have different signs, grammar structures, and are not mutually intelligible.

What is the Index finger little finger hand sign?

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The index finger little finger hand sign, also known as the "hook 'em horns" or "devil horns" sign, is a gesture where the index and little fingers are extended while the middle and ring fingers are folded down. It is a common hand sign in Western culture associated with rock music and is often used to express enthusiasm or support.