


Sign Language

Sign language is a form of communication used by deaf people. Sign language involves the use of hands, facial expressions and body language to communicate. The first historic mention of sign language dates back to writings by Socrates in the 5th Century BC.

500 Questions

How do you sign peace in british sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

To sign "peace" in British Sign Language, form the letter 'V' with your dominant hand. Then, with your palm facing outward, gently shake your hand from side to side a few times. This sign can represent the concept of peace or tranquility.

Does William Petersen really know sign language?

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Asked by Amt333

Yes, William Petersen is reported to know sign language. He learned it during his time studying acting at Idaho State University to help build a deeper connection to the characters he portrays.

What is the ASL sign for racist?

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The ASL sign for racist involves pointing your index finger at your temple and moving it in an arc.

Where does sign language rank among languages used in the world?

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Sign language is considered one of the world's languages, with hundreds of different sign languages used globally. It holds equal importance to spoken languages in terms of communication and expression for deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Sign languages are recognized as official languages in some countries.

How do you say gay in American sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well i don't know gay but lesbian in sign language is a L shape across your chin so your thumb is on one side and pointer on the other side of your chin.

Hope that helped!

Put your thumb and your index finger (pointer) on your chin in a V shape (close together) and then take it off :) hope that helped

How do you make the sign Dwell in sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

To sign "dwell" in American Sign Language, place both hands in front of you with palms facing down and move them up and down together, showing a repeated motion to indicate living or residing in a place.

What is difference between German and English sign language?

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German Sign Language (DGS) and British Sign Language (BSL) are separate languages, each with its own grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. DGS is primarily used in Germany and parts of Austria, while BSL is used in the United Kingdom. They have distinct finger spelling systems and variations in signs for words, making them unique and specific to their respective deaf communities.

How do you say zero in every language on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

It would be impossible to list every language in the world, but here are a few translations for "zero" in different languages:

  • Spanish: cero
  • French: zéro
  • German: null
  • Japanese: ゼロ (zero)
  • Chinese: 零 (líng)

How does sign language impact society today?

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Sign language promotes inclusivity by providing a means of communication for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, helping them to participate more fully in society. It also raises awareness about the importance of linguistic diversity and cultural acceptance. Additionally, the recognition and use of sign language can lead to better accessibility in various settings, such as education, healthcare, and public services.

How do you say awesome in sign language?

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In American Sign Language, the sign for "awesome" is typically done by using both hands to show excitement or approval. This can be shown by raising both hands up in the air with a big smile on your face.

When was sigh language made?

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Sign language has been used for centuries, with origins dating back to various indigenous communities and Deaf cultures around the world. Modern sign languages, such as American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL), have evolved over time and were formally recognized and developed in the 18th and 19th centuries.

How do you say your special in sign language?

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In American Sign Language (ASL), you can sign "special" by using two flat hands at chest level, with fingers slightly spread and moving in a circular motion. This sign indicates uniqueness or importance.

How do you say happiness in sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no real sign for happiness, you use the sign for happy, and the person just gathers what you mean by your sentence.

To do the sign for happy and its derivations, smile big and wide - make a happy face. With both your hands hold them out flat, fingers sticking together. Make small circles near your chest. The circle hits your chest once and then goes up and over and down and then hits again. Your hands aren't touching, but are close to each other.

How do you say holy in sign language?

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In American Sign Language (ASL), you can sign "holy" by crossing your index and middle fingers on both hands and bringing them down in front of your body. This sign is often used to convey sacred or divine.

What is a hifin sign?

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A HiFi sign is an indication that a certain product or device is high fidelity, meaning it is capable of producing high-quality audio with little distortion or interference. This term is commonly used in the context of audio equipment like speakers, headphones, or sound systems.

How do you sign bastard in American sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Take your left hand and hold it so your thumb faces up, and fold your thumb in. The actual sign is taking your hand in that position and bringing it up as if you were cutting your head in half, right through the nose.

Be careful though, because when I do it, I usually hit myself in the forehead, and believe me, it doesn't look cool if you try to "call" someone a bastard and accidentally cut your forehead on your nails.

How do you say feeling in sign language?

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The sign for "feeling" in American Sign Language (ASL) involves tapping your chest with the tips of your fingers a couple of times.

How do you say tender in sign language?

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To sign "tender" in American Sign Language (ASL), use a gentle touch or patting motion on the back of your non-dominant hand with your dominant hand's fingertips. This sign conveys the idea of something being soft or gentle.

How do you say number one in bicolano language?

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Asked by Wiki User

One - Saro

Two - Duwa

Three - Tulo

Four - Apat

Five - Lima

Six - Anom

Seven - Pito

Eight - Walo

Nine - Siyam

Ten - Sampulo

What are some easy signs in American sign language?

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Asked by 4xd3212nhgjg6

Some easy signs in American Sign Language (ASL) for beginners include: "hello," "thank you," "yes," "no," and "please."

Does sign language have grammar?

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Yes, sign language has its own grammar rules which involve aspects like word order, facial expressions, body movements, and hand shapes to convey meaning and nuances. Just like spoken languages, sign languages also have syntax, morphology, and semantics that allow speakers to communicate effectively.

Is there a hypen in sign off?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "sign off" is typically written as two separate words with no hyphen. It is used in informal and formal communication to indicate the end of a message or communication.

How do you say Carly in sign language?

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Asked by Wiki User

To sign "Carly" in American Sign Language (ASL), fingerspell each letter of the name C-A-R-L-Y using the appropriate handshape for each letter.

When watching a person do sign language what do you focus on?

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Asked by Wiki User

When watching a person do sign language, it is important to focus on their hand movements, facial expressions, and body language. These elements all combine to convey the meaning of the signs being used and help to communicate effectively in sign language.

What does American Sign Language make use of the space in front of a signers body for?

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Asked by Wiki User

American Sign Language uses the space in front of a signer's body for various purposes such as indicating subjects, objects, locations, and movements. It helps convey the relationships between different elements in a sentence and provides context to the signs being produced. The use of space also allows for facial expressions and body movements to enhance the message being communicated.