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This could mean that you're ovulating (some women can feel it). It could also mean that you're pregnant and you can feel implantation. Or it could mean that you have a problem with your reproductive organs. You could have cysts on your ovaries (cramping is also a sign of ovarian cancer) or there could be another problem. You may want to check with your doctor to make sure it is not a problem with your ovaries or other reproductive organs.

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Q: What does it mean when you are having period like cramps and no bleeding and your period is not due for another 10 days?
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How do you know you have your period?

Bleeding, cramps, irritability.

Can you have implantation bleeding and cramps after youre two weeks late for your period?

Yes, you can get implantation bleeding and cramps if you get pregnant.This may occur two weeks after you believed you were due to start your period.

Can you have period like cramps and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy?

yes you can. i am 37 weeks pregnant. for the first tree months or so i was having very painful period cramps and i always thought my period will come any moment. but according to my i was completely safe.

Do you always have pains and cramps when you miscarry or could you be having a miscarriage and not even know it other than bleeding?

You would USUALLY have cramps with bleeding. But it is not always the case. If you are bleeding heavily, consult a doctor straight away. They may be able to save the pregnancy.

I'm getting small cramps and a few drops of bleeding im still a virgin so you cant be pregnant and you have had your period for over 6 years now you don't know What is wrong?

Cramps are a normal part of having a period hun

How do you tell if you are having a missed carriage?

if you are having pains/like period cramps in your stomach and also if you might be bleeding than you should go to the e.r or to see a doctor as soon as possible

You have cramps and feel like im on your period but you have no bleeding?

wait a couple days and if you still have no bleeding take a pregnancy test. when i was pregnant i could feel slight cramps every month when i normally would have had my period

Could a woman be pregnant if she expierences bleeding and severe cramps not like normal period cramps?

Yes she can be pregnant, and if she is pregnant and is bleeding she is at risk of a miscarriage, and should see a doctor immediately.

What are the signs of your period?

Well when you think you are having your period, you will be bleeding, may have stomach cramps, back pain, bloating, and/or fatigue. You should talk to you mother or closest woman you are comfortable talking with.

If you still get your period but no cramps can you be pregnant?

No, you cannot have periods after you are pregnant. You can have minor vaginal bleeding but it is not a full period flow.

What type of cramps are you having when you just got off your period at least 3 days ago?

Normal period cramps

Can you be pregnant if your having cramps after period?

If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant