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Q: What does it mean when you are told to pay money to make someone go away from me?
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A squirrel is not an amout of money. When someone says they need to 'squirrel away money', they mean they need to save or hard money. A pony is slang for 25 UK pounds.

What does bankrupted mean?

When someone runs out of money/ loses their money Its when someone runs out of money while they're STILL in debt.

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it is when you are giving money to someone easel not ruffly

What does it mean when you smash someone?

To "smash someone" usually refers to defeating or dominating them in a competition, argument, or physical confrontation. It can also mean to have casual sex with someone.

What does it mean when you see someone giving money to someone else?

They owe them money and are repaying a debt or are loaning them some.

What does 'call away' mean?

to call away means to call someone away from them or call whoever you want.

What does 'Fork over a lot of money' mean?

to give someone a lot of money.

What does it mean if someone is out of pocket?

It means they have no money in their pockets - they lost money in a transaction.

What does money dance mean in a wedding?

When someone dances and ppl throw money at them

What do you do if someone is cruel?

I don’t know. why are people mean? Why do they steal ? Why do they harass, follow, fraud your credit, cause your car to be impounded to take it away from you, What does it take to make a person that is bullying you- to give back all your stuff,!return money they took and be nice, loving and thoughtful?

What does it mean when you smile and someone and they look away really fast does it mean they like you?

There are several reasons why someone looks away really fast when you smile at them. It could mean that they like you, it could also mean that they are really shy.

What does it mean to loan money to someone?

To loan money to someone means to give your own money to someone else for a period of time. Then, the receiver will eventually pay the lender back the money (usually with interest).