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he relly likes you and wants it to be the wite time and he wants to kiss you

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Q: What does it mean when you ask out your crush and they just look away?
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What does it mean when you ask out your crush and they look away?

Either that they don't have any feelings for you or that they are just embraced and shy.

What does it mean when I catch my crush staring at me and then look away?

It sounds like they have a crush or they were just looking at you. If they do it a lot, they probably like you. Try talking to them a little more, and be a judge as to whether they are into you.

This boy stares at you constantly but he doesnt look away?

It mean's He Has a Huge crush on you or he thinks your weird. I Rekon He has a Crush on you!!

Why did your crush look at you?

if your crush looks at you it can mean many things. It can mean s\he just wants to talk, they like you or they are just looking at you:) Some guys and ladies send out obvious signs that they like you. When they STARE at you and you catch them they quickly look away or some guys may even make silly jokes ( maybe some sexual) but don't take it offensively)

What does it mean when you stare at your crush and they stare back and look away?

If he shows other signs that he likes you he probably likes you.

What does it mean if your ex crush stand look at you?

Your ex is just being a big creeper, then. That's happened to me and i just walk away because of how much a pervert he is. Don't worry. most boys are jacks. Many will do that, so don't worry.

What does it mean if you stare at your crush for a long time and they look the other way?

You stare at them too long and they turn away because you were either hideously ugly or you were giving them the pedofile look.

Why does your crush not like you?

A crush could not like you for many reasons. You may be obnoxious and rude to him or her or just in general. You could be too abrasive or just plain mean. You could be too shy. Or it could be how you look physically. They may not like you for how you look. That's ok! Its just a crush,not love, you'll find a new Prince Charming or your Sleeping Beauty another day!

What does it mean everytime you walk by your crush he looks at you?

Nothing. You just think he is looking at you. Most people look at people as they walk by just to see who is there. It means nothing.

What does it mean if your crush's friend says woohoo when i walk past?

eirther just your crush, just your crush's friend, or both of them like you or find you attractive

What does it mean when you ask out your crush they look away?

There are 2 situations. 1. They don't like you and have now been put into a very awkward situation, or 2. They like you but just arent comfortable talking to the opposite sex and are unsure how to act in this situation

What does it mean when a guy look at you a lot?

He may or Amy not have a crush on you...