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Did the condom break or leak? If so, you could be pregnant!

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Q: What does it mean when you dont get your period but you are having safe sex?
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Does having menstruation already mean you are safe from pregnancy?

NO, there's a small, very small, chance that you can still be pregnant if you get your period, however this happens rarely

Is it possible to be pregnant having safe intercourse and period coming last on 14 th february i had sexual intercourse after my period and my period is three days late?

It depends on what you mean by "safe intercourse." In using any method of birth control there is always a potential of getting pregnant. Nothing is 100% effective except for not having sex. So, yes, there is a possibility that you may be pregnant.

Is it ok to eat your period?

I wouldnt Recomend it, but it is safe, as long as you dont have any vaginal disease. I havent tried it, and i dont plan on it

If you had your period on the 5th of august 2008 then it stop on the 9th then you had a safe sex on the 10th will you get pregnant?

yes it would be safe well i dont kno

Can you get pregnant after your safe days?

What do you mean by safe days? During your period or before you ovulate? Explain please :)

Is it safe to run while having a period?

no cause blood will leak through your undies its nasty.

Wear tampons in the pool not having your period?

NEVER wear tampons when not menstruating - it's not safe and no need.

Is it likely to get pregnant one day after having your period?

Yes, the only fairly safe are the first days on your period. A orgasm can make you ovulate again.

What if a guy came on your hands then you washed them and a little later went to the bathroom. Are you safe from pregnancy if this was the first day you started your period?

If you don't know the answer to this, you should not be having sex. The answer is yes, you are safe. You were never not safe.

If you stop having your period at sixteen and are sexually active are you pregnant?

If you're not practicing safe sex...are you stupid or just immature?