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well i heard it means yuur gonna die but im not sure

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Q: What does it mean when you dream that you have lost something important?
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I Have a Dream means that you wish that something in your world will change and things will be different

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What does it mean to dream you are being held hostage at gunpoint while pregnant?

This dream suggests that you feel controlled by some other person or thing while you are in the process of developing something important.

What does it mean when you dream that you lost your way from your family in a school ground and can't find your way back?

It means that you have issues with school or your family and they aren't giving you support. It can also mean that you are confused about something.

What does it mean when you dream i am lost trying to get to my husband who is in the hospital pregnant?

The dream shows your feeling that you have lost your way in the sense that you don't know what you ought to do. You and your husband appear to have reversed roles in the dream, so that he is the one giving birth. His pregnancy represents something that the two of you are developing or "gestating" together. It might symbolize your relationship or your marriage, or it might be a very important idea or project that you have been working on together. Now that your joint project is about to manifest, you feel confused about what you are supposed to do.