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it could mean the beginning of ovulation

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Q: What does it mean when you have a constant left side abdominal pain after completing menstruation then spotting occurs?
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Related questions

Can you ovulate if your still spoting from your period?

Yes, you can't ovulate during menstruation but spotting can occur for a few days after menstruation is no longer active - thus you may be ovulating while still spotting.

What is the difference between menstraution and spotting?

spotting is just a few drips of pink or red... while menstruation is just a regular flow.

If you went through a super plus tampon within a few hours can it still be pregnancy spotting?

No, spotting means light bleeding such as pink or brown discharge - heavy bleeding suggests menstruation, although it is possible to bleed during pregnancy if you are bleeding when menstruation was due then it is likely menstruation.

Does spotting or actual flow signify the beginning of menstruation?

Does spotting or actual flow signify the beginning of menstruation? These are several days apart for me so if is difficult to know when I am supposed to be ovulating.

Is spotting followed by a heavy flow from regular menstruation a possible sign of being pregnant?


How do you tell if you have menstrual cramps?

When you are feeling that you might get your period and see a little bit of spotting on your panties ....or you feel a bubbly sensation in your stomach

What is the reason for back and abdominal pain 9 days before periods but no spotting?

Ovulation or PMS.

What causes menstruation during pregnancy?

ur not gtn ur period itz normal 2 have a lil bit of spotting

Cramping one week before period and spotting that lasted for a few hours?

That may be Premenstrual Syndrome , the symptoms that begin a week before menstruation like natures reminder that you will be starting you menstruation soon.

How much blood do spotting release?

It should be just as the name goes 'spotting' if it looks like your normal menstruation bleeding then it is something to worry about because it could be a sign of something much worse than normal.

What is the difference between spotting if you know you are pregnant and actual menstruation?

spotting is light and can last for a day or two where your regular period will last longer...depending on when your last period was. I hope this can help you out and if i am wrong i guess congrats is in order

Had spotting and a lot of abdominal pain but test is negative?

If you think you could be pregnant contact your Dr or go to the Er. These are signs of a miscarriage.