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It could mean a lot of things really. It just depends on your situation. If you are overweight and have irregular periods, you may have Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), the cysts on your ovaries can cause pain in your lower right or left stomach. Your period could just be heavy and have nothing to do with the pregnancy test. Some women have uterine fibroids that cause heavy bleeding with cramps. If you are really concerned then you should make an appointment with your Primary Care Provider.

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Q: What does it mean when you have a negative home pregnancy test them your period comes very heavy with cramps and sharp pains to the bottom right of my abdomen?
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When do cramps occur during pregnancy?

Cramps during pregnancy can occur at any time, but they are most common in the early stages of pregnancy. These cramps are often caused by the uterus expanding and stretching to accommodate the growing baby. However, if cramps are severe or accompanied by heavy bleeding, it is important to consult a healthcare provider as they may indicate a problem.

Can the site of abdominal cramps in early pregnancy be an indicator of the sex of the baby especially if you've had these cramps on the same side of abdomen and produced the same gender?

unlikely, it's more likely to be the effect of fetal placement.

Can you be pregnant if you have Abdominal cramps increased milky discharge late period but negative pregnancy test?

Yes you can take a pregnancy test that is negative and still be pregnant. As far as the milky discharge, that may be an infection.

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This is necessarily not pregnancy though it might be. It's best you carry out a home pregnancy test as this symptoms might be for something else. Besides, pregnancy symptoms varies in women. All the best dear

Abdominal and lower back cramps tingly breast period is late and tested negative is this a sign of pregnancy?

o yea

Does early pregnancy bleeding involve cramps?

I had early pregnancy bleeding and cramps at about 3 days after i discovered i was pregnant, i was about 4 weeks gone, the cramps were really bad, felt like bad period pains and it was all in the bottom of my back, it stopped after 4 days and everything is fine still

Do pregnancy cramps feel like menstural cramps?


Is slight cramps normal in early pregnancy?

Yes it is very normal 4 out of 5 people get cramps in early pregnancy and may have extreme cramps.

What should you think if you have had cramps which are now gone before and during your period but no bleeding occured and acne that you havn't had since you were a teenager yet test showed negative?

Even if a pregnancy test showed up negative, cramps and acne that randomly occur with a missed period could signal pregnancy. Wait a few days and then test again.

What is the sympton of pregnancy?

First sign of pregnancy would be delayed periods. However, feeling nauseous, sleepy, exhausted, mood swings, and light cramps in lower abdomen could be the symptoms of pregnancy. If your period is late, go for a blood test right away for a final answer! Good luck!

Is stomach pain not cramps a sign of pregnancy?

Cramps are a sign of pregnancy, i was sure i was coming on my period i had all the cramps etc.. im now 5 months pregnant

How painful are cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. I had cramps during my first pregnancy which felt a lot like period cramps, but I did not have cramps during my other two pregnancies. They usually disappear after the third month (12 weeks.)