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Q: What does it mean when you have concentrated urine?
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Usually concentrated because of dehydration

What does brown urine mean after a blood transfusion?

Brown urine means that your urine is concentrated and you need to be hydrated. After blood transfusion, there should be more urine produced because there is enough blood in the circulation.

Why is the first urine of the day most concentrated?

The color of urine is determined on how concentrated the urine is. It's from all of the toxins being excreted. In the morning it's a fasting urine and you haven't drank fluids all night. So it's concentrated and dark yellow. During the day, you drink and dilute the urine so there more water in the urine, less concentrated and lighter in color

What can be done about someone with high concentrated urine?

Someone with highly concentrated urine may be dehydrated, and fluids may help.

Your urine has gone from a pale yellow to a darker shade of yellow what does this mean?

If you have a pale yellow urine to a darker shade means that you are well hydrated to less hydrated when urine becomes concentrated.

What is a product of the kidney?

Concentrated Urine.

Which mammal secretes the most concentrated urine?

apparently the spinifex hopping mouse has the most concentrated urine of all mammals "Urination and defecation is minimized and the urine is the most concentrated of any mammal." i got this while doing a bio assignment. the website was http:/

Why is more concentrated yellowish urine excreted in summers?

Typically, summer temperatures cause people to become dehydrated. Dehydrated people produce concentrated urine.

Is phosphoric acid in horse urine?

Actually, phosphoric acid is concentrated hourse urine

How do you clear concentrated urine?

By drinking fresh water.

How is the urine output in SIADH?

Increased and overly concentrated.

Neurohypophyseal secretion of stimulates formation of concentrated urine?

Neurohypophyseal secretion of antidiuretic hormone or ADH stimulates the formation of concentrated urine. This hormone is also known as argipressin.