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I'm just like that, sometimes I only use the restroom once a week and I can feel my stomach cramp all day and then I spend the rest on the toilet- non emergency style. I don't think it's normal, but I don't mind. I eat a lot of cheese and pasta and very little water. I guess you could say we're just constipated but our bodies naturally push through it. You're retaining a little more weight in just waste and if you eat a few Prunes, or something that is a natural laxative you may be able to regulate it more.

You need more fiber in short terms. I feel sluggish a lot and that's probably why. I have taken probiotics for your stomach to no avail so talk to a doctor if you feel weird- otherwise enjoy not spending every day on the pot.

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It means that your large and small intestines are working very good. This is because your intestine muscles are very healthy and strong pushing all the left over no-good part of your food to your anus.

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Q: What does it mean when you have constipated every day?
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It means you are constipated.

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No. Bowel activity can change in older ages, but it does not mean every older person has same type of bowel movements.

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it may mean that you are constipated

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Should you drink a bit of olive oil every day?

Yes, if you are constipated :)) . One spoon a day! And minimum 2 liters of water! hahhahhah loll your wrong dom bo it is 1 spoon a day! and minmum 2liters of water!

What does it mean if you poop and you feel like your scrapping your insides?

You are constipated.

Im am cramping while i poop what does that mean?

your constipated idiot