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Q: What does it mean when you see white in the corners of your eyes?
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How do you make eyes look bigger and rounder?

less eyeliner!! use white eyeshadow as a highlighter near the corners of the eyes and the bottom arch of the brow then see what you think:) still use mascara

What does it mean when you see red eyes on a snake?

If it is white when it is usually a different color, it means it is albino. (Not a disease, don't worry.)

Why do you see white light?

White light is a mixture of different frequencies, that are within the range of light our eyes can see.

Do jellyfish see in black and white?

No. Jellyfish do not have eyes, so they cannot "see."

What has eyes but can not see brown on the outside and white in the inside?

A potato

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What are common diabetic eye problems?

You can have Blurry vision, see flashing lights or spots experience pain or pressure in one or both of your eyes. You can also have trouble seeing things out of the corners of your eyes.

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wat does it mean when u see a white dove at night

Can you tell if someone is a vampire?

you can see the white skin and brown eyes

Do people have eyes?

Yes the human has eyes to see with. If people areblind that doesn't mean they don't have eyes it just means they cant see out of one or both eyes.

What allows you to see the world in color?

your eyes make you see all the coors and not black and white

Why do some bunnies have red eyes?

Most rabbits with red rimmed eyes have red eyes and that's why they are red rimmed. Its nothing to worry about unless they are weaping Rabbits who appear to have red irritated eyes could have allergies or dust in their eyes or eye infections. If they start to get white junk in the corners of their eyes they probably need to see the vet for an eye infection. If they are just red you can use any eye wash you would use on your own eyes.