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There is no definite knowing in this case. You must retest after a couple of days. The only way to know for sure is to see a doctor.

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Q: What does it mean when you take a pregnancy test one morning and it says your pregnant and the next morning your spotting?
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Is spotting right before your period mean that your are not pregnant?

No. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.

What does it mean if you don't get your period but your spotting?

Spotting usually happens when a woman was pregnant, and lost the baby/had a miscarriage early in the pregnancy.

You were spotting before you took your pregnancy test and then it came out positive does that mean that you are pregnant?

Most probably YES

Can brown spotting be a sign of pregnancy?

It can be a pregnancy symptom, but just because you have brown spotting it doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. Spotting can occur during implantation (where the fertilised egg attaches into the womb lining) Implantation generally occurs around 10 days after sex.

If you experience spotting then a period that is unsual does that mean your pregnant?

It can mean many things but one of those things is pregnancy so I would go get a pregnancy test or talk to your doctor. Good luck :)

Is spotting before your missed period mean your pregnant?

Not necessarily. Spotting can be caused by a variety of issues, including stress, but also including pregnancy. If you suspect you may be pregnant, you should definitely take a test and visit a gynecologist to be sure. Even if you don't have reason to believe you may be pregnant, spotting is something your gynecologist should be made aware of and can help you with.

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What does brownish pink spotting 5 days after a late light period mean?

It means that you might be pregnant. Take a test

Could spotting be the cause of something else besides pregnancy?

Spotting does not cause pregnancy. I assume you mean "does spotting indicate anything other than pregnancy?" The answer to this is, of course, yes. Spotting could indicate spotting. It's probably you period being finicky, or something along those lines.

Can you still be pregnant if you spotted for 4 days?

Spotting during pregnancy happens sometimes, and doesn't necessarily mean that there's a problem with your pregnancy. Contact your prenatal care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What does it mean when you miss your pill and your spotting?

Although birth control is rather effective, it's not 100% effective. Spotting could represent pregnancy or even miscarriage. Some woman believe it or not do get pregnant while on a birth control regimen.

When you wake up of the morings it feels like you are going to vomit does that mean you are pregnant?

morning sickness is a symptom of pregnancy, but it would be good to check this theory with a pregnancy test