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Bettas flare to scare other fish from their territories or to attract a female.

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12y ago

It's either stretching it's gills or trying to look bigger in an effort to intimidate. Most likely the latter.

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They are territorial toward each other.

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Q: What does it mean when betta fish flare?
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Betta fish toward a mirrior?

yes what about the betta fish and mirror?? will it flare or just ignore it?please give details

What does it mean when a betta fish has bulging eyes?

It means he hates you. Bettas flare their gills out when they're trying to scare another betta away, or to impress a female with how large he is.

Why do male betta fish flare their fins?

They're territorial fish. They flare up to make themselves look larger. In doing this, they may scare away possible threats to themselves and their territory.

Will betta fish eat crackers?

I believe you mean Betta fish. No, it should be fine. You can treat you Betta fish by giving them bloodworms!

Why does your male betta flare at the female?

Simple. Betta fish are territorial. They see movement, and color as a threat. They will do this even to the females until maybe mating season.

Does hokding a mirror in front of a fish change what it does?

Not with many fish, although holding a mirror to a betta will cause it to flare its gills as it will think its reflection is competition

How do you make betta fish strong?

let it flare to a mirror or another betta fish 24/7 for 3 days feed freeze dried blood worms or frozen clean water do a quick fight with your betta with another one 1-3 minutes

What does it mean when your betta fish is fasting?

When your Betta fish is fasting it means it is not eating, this usually happens after the Betta has bred and it will not eat until all the Betta eggs are hatched.

How can you tell if your Betta fish is a male fish or a female fish?

The male Betta splendens is a larger more colourful fish with much larger showier fins than the female. He will also flare up almost immediately when he sees his own image in a mirror. The females do not do this so readily.

What does it mean when my male fighter fish flares its gills at the 2 females fighters?

When betta fish flare their gills, it usually means that they want to show off; either to other fish, or to their owner. Sometimes, if you scare your betta fish, they will flare their gills at you just to let you know that they aren't afraid of you. if your betta fish flares their gills all of the time, you may just have a very aggressive fish.

What does Betta mean?

It is a kind of tropical fish.

My betta's belly is expanded what does that mean?

It might meen that your betta fish is about to lay eggs.