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It means that he's trying to get your attention. He's playing hard to get with you. So just act flirty and play with him too. Than he'll get tired of playing around and pretending to be mean and come out and say he likes you. That's what happened to me!

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Q: What does it mean when your crush is being mean to you?
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Not necessarily. He could just be being friendly, which is always a good thing. This doesn't mean he may not have a crush on you, but there are other possibilities. Hang around him long enough, and you will find out eventually.

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if there is a chance of your friend being with their crush back off if there is not or only a small chance or their crush likes you then tell your friend i told my best friend she was fine with it i mean its only a crush its not like they are actually dating

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He could have gotten over his crush, is trying to get over his crush and does not want to ask you out, or does like you but does not know how to show it.

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Think before you act! Think ' What if she/he would do this do this to me?'. If you think she shouldn't do it to you, then don't do it!

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no because you will end up being crushed by a crush no because you will end up being crushed by a crush no because you will end up being crushed by a crush no because you will end up being crushed by a crush

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It means that you want to be a part of your crush's life. The dream only illustrates your own emotions. It does not tell you anything about how the guy feels about you.

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It is pretty plain what it means when your friend said that your crush was sad when you went on vacation .... they didn't like being without you!

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It means that your attraction for your crush is waning.

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Your crush is paying attention to you.