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Maybe your crush might like you back, but don't know what to say, or they might not like you and are avoiding you, or might be uncomfortable talking to you knowing you like them.

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Q: What does it mean when your crush knows you like them but then they barely talk you?
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What does it mean when your crush tells you he knows you like him and he smiles when he tells you What is that mean?

He likes you back!! He knows and if he flirts he is head over heels for you!!

What does it mean when your crush knows you like them and they don't talk to you that much anymore because before they always talked to you?

That crush is probably feeling awkward or shy.

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It means he likes you a little but still wants to be friends

What does it mean when your crush already knows you like them and looks at you often but doesn't do anything about it?

It is unclear what it could mean as there is no way to know what your crush is thinking. The best thing to do would to just ask.

What does that mean if an outgoing guy who has a crush on you and knows that you like him because your friend told him doesnt ask you out and its been a year?

He could have gotten over his crush, is trying to get over his crush and does not want to ask you out, or does like you but does not know how to show it.

What does it mean when your crush stares at you?

It means either they like you or he/she knows you like him/her and just want to know if your looking at him/her. I always stare when when I know a guy likes me... But that doesn't always mean I like them back.

What does it mean if your crush who has a girlfriend always sits near you?

It depends if he knows you like him. If he does, then he may have a slight crush on you. If he doesn't, he might just consider you guys good friends. Hope that helped!

What does that mean if a guy who has a crush on you and knows that you like him through your friend doesnt ask you out and its been a year?

well then he's probably shy

What happens if your crush knows you like him but he hears you talking about how hot other girls are?

Talking about other girls does not necessarily mean he wants them

What does that mean if an outgoing guy who has a crush on you and knows that you like him through your friend doesnt ask you out and its been a year?

Tell him you like him and probably doesn't know how to ask you out.

What does it mean when your crush knows you like them but it's hard to interpret how they feel if they don't talk to you?

The only way to know how someone really feels about you is to ask them

How do you ask a girl who knows you like her but you two barely know each other?

hot girls know that every guy like them.. what are you asking about? do you mean, how to talk to a girl that you think is too good for you?