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Q: What does it mean when your ex is always following another girl?
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What does it mean when a boy is always nice to you and he's mean to his sister and another girl?

He loves you and sees you as feminine unlike the others.

If he says that he loves you n not show any interest in you n always busy with his Friends either its a girl so what that mean..?

it means he has another girl or your not for him anymore but be patient

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i have no idea! I've always wondered the same thing. i mean, of course she's just an actress for the video, but i don't think she is anyone special.

What does it mean when he gets mad at you in public after he smiles back at another girl?

Means that he is making you jealous.. Boys are always like that.. Hope that helps!!

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It could mean that they are wondering if you have asked another girl because they want to go with you and im a girl so this is what im thinking.

What does it mean when you like a boy and hes with another girl but wants to be very close friends with you?

if you think he really doesn't like that girl then steal his heart by always looking great but always be nice but if hes really into the girl then talk to the girl about your feelings and the boy should soon be yours also another tip when they break up ask him or ask a friend to ask him if he still likes you

What happens if a boy is always mean to a girl?

Soemtimes that could mean that he hates that girl or there is a possibilty that he may like her.

Does next Friday always mean the Friday in the week you are in or Friday in the following week?

Following week

What does it mean when a girl puts her hands in another girl's front pockets?

It could mean anything... What does it mean when you walk with your friends? Lol.

What does it mean if a guy tells you about other girls he thinks are beautiful?

if a guy tells you that another girl is beautiful and you are his girlfriend check to see if he is always staring at the girl. if he is not then he only likes the way she looks but he is still into you.

What does it mean when a guy tells the girl love always?

it means they will always love you i gussed.

What does it mean if a girl always looks myou in the eyes?

It means that they really like you or you have something in your teeth!!! coming from a girl, see if she is smiling or sits with a blank expression. This can indicate alot! Dont say "stop staring at me" this is basicly saying get away freak! hope this helped!!! :) If a girl always looks in your eyes, that means she likes you. Boys look into girls to show that they are charming and sweet. But that doesn't always mean he likes you. He might just want you to like him, then he kisses another chick. Another HOT chick.