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Q: What does it mean when your ex says hes going to bang the mess out of you?
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What does it mean when a girl says your bangable?

It means that she would bang you or she would let you bang her.

What does it mean when a guy stares at you but says you looked at him first?

It means he wants to bang

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they want to bang you. and my advice... go for it.

If this boy is your friend and he says that he is going to text his ex later does that mean he wants to get back with her or something?

that means your boyfriend wants to bang his ex all night long Ye-Ya!!!

What does it mean when a boy says he likes you?

that means he likes you so dont mess it up ;)

When a guy says they do not like you but they always mess with you does that mean they really do?

It doesn't necessarily mean that he likes you in that way, but it could mean that you are important to him.

What does it mean when a guy says i want to mess around with you but then he says he misses you and ha feelings for you?

It would seem that he has interest in you and from there if you are interested it would be up to you to find out.

What does Lil Wayne's tatt BANG BANG on his chest mean mean?

He has "Bang Bang" tatted on his chest because at the aqe of 12 he accidently shot himself with a 44-caliber qun, only 2inches away from hittinq his heart. That's why in one of his sonqs he says somethinq about the doctor telling him he was 2 inches away from a casket.

Theres this game where someone says bang bang bang who did i shoot how do you figure it out?

The answer is that whoever the first person who speaks after the last bang is, they are the one who is shot.

What does it mean when a guy says we can do it when ever you want?

it means he wants to bang you but is saying it politely I say it all the time haha

What is the song that says boom she shot you?

Bang Bang by K'naan ft. Adam Levine

I cant get into Maplestory it says trouble logging into the game go to Maplestorynexonnet did I get banned or did a hacker mess up Maplestory?

Uhm - When did you get this "Trouble"? Before after Big bang patch, some people did get this error. Start from the website.