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Q: What does it mean when your fingers are crooked and sometimes hurt?
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Related questions

Why is the Grinch so nasty and mean?

The Grinch was mean because he was bullied and hurt as a child.

What does it mean when all your fingers are crooked?

It can be caused by a number of things, I have had crooked fingers since i was born. It can be because of your family history. There are also a number of disorders that can cause this. I would check with your doctor to find out for sure but it most likely is nothing serious, but I'm no doctor.

What does touching two index fingers together mean in sign language?

Touching two index fingers together in sign language can represent the concept of "relationship" or "connection." It can be used to convey the idea of two things or people being connected or related to each other in some way.

What does it mean when your fingers hurt?

Could be growing pains or you did some strenuous activity with them.

What do you call someone who is not crooked?

If you mean crooked as in dishonest or a criminal then some who is NOT crooked is an honest person. They are trustworthy, dependable, reliable. Sometimes you might even say "He is a very straight person" "true blue" is another slang term.

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crooked nose and crooked mouth

What does it mean when your hands hurt and you have a migraine?

That you should probably see a doctor soon...

What does crooked mean in afrikaans?


What does the word Cuyahoga mean?

Crooked river

What do tender mean?

You may be pregnant, your boobs may be growing.. My breasts hurt after sex sometimes

Why is there a gap between your fingers and the thumb?

Because a man will come and fill those gaps by holding your hands... If you mean gaps when your fingers are together, that just means your fingers are crooked or that your finger joints are large. If you mean the spaces when they are open, then your fingers would be useless with them.

What does Crumlin mean?

From the Irish Cromghlinn - crooked glen.