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It means "she" has something to hide.

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Q: What does it mean when your girlfriend won't tell you what she looks like?
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by the talking and the face and how he looks by the talking and the face and how he looks

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It means that he's is cute and you like the way he looks

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that means you have a new girlfriend

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well to tell you there is this boy that like me and he is triple times nicer to me than all the girls in my classes...... i think he likes you...........:))))))) Pretty much and if he's not got a girlfriend and looks at you a lot he soooooooooooo likes you!

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Tell your girlfriend the truth!

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it means be safe and u can tell they like you by the way he looks at you

What does it mean when a guy knows you like them and he talks about his girlfriend to you?

It means he's trying to subtly tell you that he loves his girlfriend, and any advance you make is a sign of disrespect to him and her.

What if you like a guy but he has a girlfriend?

tell your friend that you like he and if your friends with the (girlfriend) tell her that you like him and if she gets mad DRAMA QUEEN then when they break up you have a chance. :):):)

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1st tell him to stop and then it dosnt matter if you like his girlfriend or not tell her

How do I tell my girlfriend that i like my toes painted?

just tell her