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My Fantail Goldfish did that alot the first time I got him. I think it might be that they need to relax or they might be scared.

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13y ago
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13y ago

It is stressed from the water. You may need to do a water change.

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Q: What does it mean when your goldfish are at the bottom of the tank?
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Where in the tank do goldfish lay eggs?

Usually at the bottom of the tank in the rocks.

Why does your goldfish huddle upside down at the bottom of the tank?

Its Dieing .

Why is your goldfish fish on bottom of tank he is not dead swims around then lies on bottom of tank?

This may mean 3 things: # It may be tired, # It may be sick or injured, # Or it could be near the end of its life.

Is it ok when your goldfish lay on the bottom of the tank?

That means your fish is ill

What does it mean when goldfish stay at the bottom of tank and it's still alive?

It's VERY stressed. Try to put some Goldfish stress relief medicine in the water when you change it, or remove some

Why does a goldfish swim at the bottom of the tank?

because he is getting old and is of the egde of death

Can an oranda goldfish live in same tank with regular goldfish?

Yes, but your tank size needs to support it. If you mean that a regular goldfish is a long single-tail goldfish, then you need at least a 40 gallon tank just for the 2 fish due to the size potential of the common goldfish. If you mean a regular goldfish as in a round bodied fantail, or perhaps a ryukin, then you need at least a 30 gallon tank for the 2 fish.

Why is your comet goldfish laying eggs on the bottom of the tank?

because it cannot get out to lay them in the corner

How did your black moor goldfish die?

my blackmoor goldfish just sits at the bottom of the tank and does nothing is he dieing or just likes sleeping alot?

If a fantail goldfish is at the bottom of the tank laying side ways what does it mean And opening its mouth for air?

It cold be time to get a new fish. I'm sorry for your loss

Why does goldfish rub his body and sit at the bottom of the tank after i do a water change?

because it is dead :D

How do you know when goldfish are asleep?

they are at the bottom of the tank,and are very still. you can see their eyes,but they are just sleeping.