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your ovaries don't have muscle so therefore do not cramp. what cramps is your uterus.

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Q: What does it mean when your ovaries cramp for a week and you don' t start your period?
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What does it mean when a girl gets a cramp?

Everyone gets cramps. Girls get cramps in their ovaries when they're menstruating.

What does it mean if i have a period with no cramps?

A cramp free period means you had no cramps, nothing more.

Can stomach pains be a sign of a period?

No you probably have cancer, I give you 2 months tops.

Does it mean you are pregnant if you bleed brownish red and cramp in the cervix?

Not necessarily. Your symptoms of pregnancy will be missed period, nausea, weight gain, increased sense of smell, swollen tender breasts etc.

I don't get my period every month what does this mean?

it means something can be wrong with your ovaries go to the doctor :)

What does it mean if you have a cramp in your butt?

It means you got a cramp in your butt

2 weeks you been having cramp feelins in your stomachand your period is late are you pregnant?

you posibly could be pregnant or about to get your period. it could also mean you are having a misscarrige.

What does it mean if you never ever had a period even if your 18 and up?

It could mean that there is something wrong with the ovaries, or the vagina. If this is the case for you, then you should consult a doctor about it.

What is the definition of cramp?

Cramp can mean a sharp muscular pain , or to confine in very close quarters.

What does it mean when im cramping and you wont start your period?

abdomenal cramps can be constipation as well. have you pooped is the last 3 days? It can also mean you are ovulating. that's when the egg comes down from the ovaries and into the uterus about 10-15 days before your period, it causes cramping in the left or right side of your abdomen and can also cause a clear or brownish discharge, you should start your period 2 weeks after this. if you have a fever, see your doctor right away.

What does it mean if 3 days after your period you start spotting light pink discharge?

what does it mean you start to have a light pink discharge after your period

What is it called after you run it hurts?

Do you mean a cramp?