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santa is hurting the everglades

your mama

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Q: What does it mean when your side temples are tender and your head is constantly hurting and your jaw is hurting and all you want to do is sleep?
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How do you make you stomach stop hurting?

If your trying to sleep then sleep side ways it helps me.

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Are hamsters nucternel?

Yes, which is why they sleep constantly whenever you look at them.

What is the best way to kill a squirrel without hurting it?

Use your car exaust. They go to sleep. No pain.

Who were thomas newcomen's parents?

his mothwer was your mom and his dad made sweet tender love to you in your sleep

Why would a man sleep with a woman constantly but never commit to her?

For no-strings sex...

What is lack of sleep?

Lack of sleep, also known as sleep deprivation, is the condition of not getting enough quality sleep. It can lead to various negative effects on physical and mental health, such as fatigue, cognitive impairment, mood disturbances, and increased risk of chronic diseases. It is essential to prioritize good sleep habits to ensure overall well-being and optimal functioning.

What happens to you when you do not get enouh sleep?

If you don't get enough sleep you will most likely fall asleep at random times tomorrow...... If you constantly don't get enough sleep you could have health issues

Do you blink in are sleep?

Yes, your eyes move constantly and a lot during the REM phase of sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement.

It is unhealthy to constantly wake up during the night?

Waking up constantly during the night is not necesarily unhealthy but it depends why you are constantly waking up. If you are unable to sleep or cannot sleep for long periods of time it could be a possible case of insomnia. If your sleep deprivation continues use should prbably contact your doctor so you can have a better understanding of why it is happining. Hopefully this will help you a litte better. :)

Where do you put Avon sleeptherapy balm?

you apply it to your pulse points, like your temples and wrists, and let it sink in for a restful sleep.:)

What can you do to help your eyes when they are feeling tender?

Extra sleep and drink more water if it persist I would see a doctor