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Q: What does it means if your cells get in the placenta?
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What is posterior grade 2 high lying placenta?

Posterior placenta is when the placenta is located at the back of the motherÃ?s uterus. Placenta praevia means the placenta has not moved up towards the top of the uterus to get ready for birth. Grade 2 means the placenta is near the cervix but not blocking it.

What is the meaning of 'unremarkable placenta'?

"Unremarkable placenta" means there was nothing special, different, or noteworthy about the placenta being examined.

What is posterior placenta grade 2 means?

A posterior placenta grade 2 means that the placenta is located closer to the back. This is commonly seen at 30 weeks of pregnancy and is considered normal.

What does a doctor mean by posterior placenta?

It means the placenta is located in the posterior wall of uterus

What two tissues does placenta form?

trophoblasts/chorionic villi and the uterus form the placenta

What is fundal posterior placental position?

A fundal posterior position of the placenta simply means that the placenta is resting at the back of the uterus. Ultrasounds should be taken to ensure that the placenta is not laying low, which can cause placenta previa.

What is the structure that connects the circulation of the fetus and the mother but blocks the passage of blood cells?

The placenta

What is a placenta formed from?

The placenta is developed during pregnancy from the implantation of a blastocyst. The blastocyst creates the outer layer of the placenta. This continues to developed into two more portions and then develops an outer protective layer. The placenta grows throughout the entire pregnancy.

Which foetal membrane takes part in the formation of placenta?

placenta is a complex structure formed by the process of trophoblastic cells (chorionicfondosum)and part of uterine endometrium called decidua basalis

What do mean by placenta left lateral ant?

Having a left lateral anterior placenta means that the placenta is low lying. This can cause problems during delivery oftentimes necessitating a C-section.

Does a baby inherit the blood if the mother has a blood transfusion?

No. Red blood cells do not cross the placenta.

What does a posterior placenta with grade 2 maturity mean?

This is a term used in pregnancy to describe the placenta positioning. Grade two posterior placenta means that the placenta is facing the back of the uterus. It is located in the lower segment and touching the edge of the cervical opening but is not completely covering it.