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Q: What does it means when a boy says there were taking a cold shower?
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What does it mean when a guy says he's cold?

It means that he could be mean or heartless, or maybe he is just cold like freezing

What does pls stand for?

If you are taking directions from map quest and it says Pl that means Place.

What does it mean when your girlfriend says shes cold?

well... it either means she wants you to hold her, or she is actually cold. and im a girl so trust me on that one.

When a women says shes taking to someone right now?

Means she's beginning to like that person.

What does regret mean on a baby shower invitation?

If it says 'Regrets Only' then you only RSVP if you can't go. So if you can go you are not required to tell the host anything.

Disitngush between heat and temperature?

Temperature says nothing if it is cold or hot. Heat means only hot.

What does it mean when your boyfriend says he is taking 15 steps back?

It means he doesn't want a serious relationship yet.

Is one by one an idioms?

No because it means exactly what it says. You're going one by one, taking one at a time.

What does it mean when someone says they think about you in the shower?

she wants the D bruh

Shower with hot or cold water?

Katie Perry says: You're hot and you're, you're in and you're in and your out.....

Is there really a cheat were Lara takes a shower with the butler in Tomb Raider 2 for PS1?

Yes, but not with the butler!! it shows her in a robe and taking it off then she says "Don't you think you've seen enough" then she shoots the camera!

What is the act and scene when Juliet says I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins?

Act IV Scene 3. It is the beginning of her soliloquy before taking the potion.