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If you're bleeding that likely is your period, maybe spotting if it is light. You always have discharge, including during menstruation, and you will bleed on your period.

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Q: What does it means when you discharge and blood comes down at the same time one week before your period?
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Why do you get Horney before your period comes on?

Simply, you get horny before or during your period due to hormonal changes. There is also a little more discharge before menstruation and then blood during menstruation which the brain can interpret as being increased vaginal lubrication as with arousal.

What does it mean when your on your period and brown discharge comes out instead of blood?

It's still just menstrual fluid. This happens a day or so before you really start bleeding, and it tends to be brown at the end of your period. Older blood turns brown. Your period is more than blood. It's totally normal.

What is the dark brown discharge before a period?

it's just to warn you that you're about to come on. it's basically blood to be honest. blood comes in all sorts of colours and that's just nature's way of preparing you.

What is brown stuff before your period?

The brown stuff is known as 'spotting' it is just blood mixing with discharge, it turns brown when it comes in contact with air. This is just the start of your period, you can also get it at other times such as at the end of your period or around ovulation.

When a brown vaginal discharge comes out does that mean that i still have my period?

Brown vaginal discharge can be related to your period, it's known as spotting and caused when blood mixes with discharge and takes time to leave the body (thus going brown). It can occur just before or after your period, light periods may be only light spotting like this, or brown discharge can be an indication of bleeding for other reasons like hormonal imbalance or ovulation spotting.

You discovered what looks like poop in your underwear but more towards the front of it smells like vaginal discharge it has vaginal discharge in it is this my first period?

Sounds like it my dear! The first blood that comes is the old one and that is usually rust color or brown. Fresher blood comes later.

Why do you have a brown discharge?

That probably IS your period, the blood isn't usually red... It often comes out in the form of a brownish discharge, especially if you're young or on birth control.

What stuff comes before a first period?

Yuu Need A Discharge Before Yuur PeriodI Am 13 And I Still Dont Have Mine :(But i No All About ItYou will need a discharge or some cramps headaches sore breasts and moodswings

Why im having a brown discharge before im having my period?

Sometimes you can have some slight spotting(spots or discharge) before the period comes. It can look brown or red or maybe even a creme colur, but it is nothing to worry about.its very normal at a young lady's age

Why do girls have clear stuff on there underwear?

The clear stuff that i sin girls underwear is called discharge. It comes before your period, its perfectly normal.

What is brown stuff on your underwear after a week of being off period?

Its probably not from your period, its just probably poop stains. You probably don't wipe yourself good. :) I got it too. If it smells like nothing, then its dried blood before you get your real period. If it smells of poop, then it is poop!

How many days the white stuff comes out before period comes?

The white stuff is vaginal discharge, amongst other functions it helps keep your vagina clean and healthy, this starts as you enter puberty - discharge has no relation to when you have your first period, the most anyone can say is that menarch tents to occur within four years of starting puberty. Thus if you're experiencing discharge you should see your first period within four years.