

What does jump block mean?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What does jump block mean?
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The four hieroglyphics at the entrance of the tomb will show the proper blocks to jump on, and you jump on ONLY ONE BLOCK for each of the four levels. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out.

How do you get up on the falling blocks at Giza on Nabooti island?

The four hieroglyphics at the entrance of the tomb will show the proper blocks to jump on, and you jump on ONLY ONE BLOCK for each of the four levels. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out.

How do you get across the falling blocks on Nabooti island?

The falling floor blocks puzzleThe four hieroglyphics at the entrance of the tomb will show the proper blocks to jump on, and you jump on ONLY ONE BLOCK for each of the four levels. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out.(see related questions)

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Your mouse pointer on the screen can be used as a "block" to jump on! Your mouse pointer on the screen can be used as a "block" to jump on!

How do you get past the falling blocks in Giza on Nabooti Island?

The falling floor blocks puzzle The four hieroglyphics at the entrance of the tomb will show the proper blocks to jump on, and you jump on ONLY ONE BLOCK for each of the four levels. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out. (see related questions)

What do you do with the falling blocks in the tomb on Nabooti island?

You can only jump on ONE particular stone on each of the 4 levels. At the entrance to the tomb (where you fall if the blocks fall), there are 4 hieroglyphic symbols in a vertical column. These indicate the ONLY block on each level that is safe to jump onto. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out.

How do you get past the falling blocks at Giza on nabooti island?

The falling floor blocks puzzleThe four hieroglyphics at the entrance of the tomb will show the proper blocks to jump on, and you jump on ONLY ONE BLOCK for each of the four levels. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out.(see related questions)

What do you do on the third puzzle on Giza on nabooti island?

The third puzzle is the Falling Blocks puzzle. --- You can only jump onto one block on each of the four levels, and it has to be the right block, or they fall. Before you climb back up the rope, look at the four symbols on the wall near the doorway. The four hieroglyphics at the entrance of the tomb will show the proper blocks to jump on, and you jump on ONLY ONE BLOCK for each of the four levels. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out. (see the related question)

How do you beat the falling stones in the tomb at giza on Nabooti island?

You can only jump on ONE particular stone on each of the 4 levels. At the entrance to the tomb (where you fall if the blocks fall), there are 4 hieroglyphic symbols in a vertical column. These indicate the ONLY block on each level that is safe to jump onto. On the first level, jump only to the block with the "big-head man". Jump up to the second level, landing ONLY on the block with the "boat and wavy sea". Jump up to the third level, landing ONLY on the block with the bird. Jump up to the fourth level, landing ONLY on the block with the eye. When you reach the top, quickly jump to the rope and climb out.

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You jump on the top of the house with the smoking chimney, then jump on the grey circle. Jump off and it will clog the chimney.