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junk food contains preservatives, additives, and artificial ingredients. They are also high in sugar and/or fat.

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10y ago
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10y ago

Junk food contains fat, sugar and empty calories. There are also many additives and preservatives which the body cannot digest as easily as unprocessed food like raw fruits and vegetables.

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What is the advantages of junk food in the economy?

The advantages of Junk food are they are tasty yummy and delicious and every body likes junk food like chips chocolates ice cream Fast food ext and junk food contains proteins and different kind of calories so prefer junk but not that much.

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Of course they can, aslong as its not something that contains pork or anything.

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Junk food contains too much fat and could lead to weight gain. Both of these are the major risk factors of Ischemic heart disease and can cause heart attack eventually if excessive amounts of junk food is consumed.

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Cause its not a junk food proper food is a proper food and junk food is a junk food:P

Which foods are included in junk food?

Heavily processed foods are junk food. If it comes in a bag or a box, its junk food. If it doesnt grow in the ground or on an animal, its junk food.

What is in junk food that makes it bad?

It contains lots of (bad)fat, sugars and salt, which is all bad for you in those amounts :).

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Are Doritos junk food?

yep defo junk food

Why are there junk food?

Because there's demand for junk food.

Is there a slogan on junk food?

yup,say no to junk food