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Q: What does keenly observant mean?
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What does it mean for a field researcher to remain keenly observant?

You can see things (to be "observant") more clearly ("keenly") than most people and your opinion should be valued but not necessarily accepted.

What are the personality traits that are suited to be neonatal nurse?

Obsessive compulsive, keenly observant, assertive, detail oriented, organized, outspoken, confident, caring, empathetic

What does observant mean?

1. Quick to notice things.2. Following the rules of a religious community (and observant Jew, an observant Hindu, etc.)

What does elie wiesel mean when he says i was thirteen and deeply observant in the book night?

When Elie Wiesel says "I was thirteen and deeply observant" in the book "Night," he is explaining his perspective as a young boy who was keenly aware of what was happening around him during the Holocaust. At this age, he was not only perceptive of the atrocities unfolding but also deeply affected by them, which shaped his understanding of the world and his experience during that dark period in history.

What does seeing a bird die mean?

You are observant.

How can I use keenly in a sentence?

He was keenly aware of his own shortcomings.

How can you use the word keenly in a sentence?

The man was keenly occupied in his work

What is an example of a sentence using the word ' keenly '?

Here are three sentences using the word 'keenly': "James keenly did his maths homework because he enjoyed maths." "Abi keenly went to play football on Saturday morning because she enjoyed it." "Ross keenly put his hand up to answer the question because he was sure of the answer."

What does it mean when a woman says you have her attention?

When anyone says you have their attention, it means they are listening keenly to you in every respect.

What is the birth name of Billy Keenly?

Billy Keenly's birth name is William Lennon Kuehnle.

What Type of literary device is used sharp eyed killer Hermes?

The literary device used in "sharp-eyed killer Hermes" is imagery, specifically through the use of the adjective "sharp-eyed" to create a vivid picture of Hermes as keenly observant or vigilant.

Is keenly an abstract noun?

No, the word 'keenly' is not a noun. The word keenly is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb; an action done in a keen manner. Example:She was keenly aware that her grammar needed improvement.The abstract noun form is keenness; for example: He executed the shot with keenness.