

What does kon from bleach originally want to be named?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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He wanted to be named Mod, short for modified soul.

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Q: What does kon from bleach originally want to be named?
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What name did Kon want?

His name is short for Kaizō Konpaku (meaning Modified Soul)Kon originally wanted to be called 'Kai' from ''Kaizō' but Ichigo thought this was too cool for Kon, So instead choose 'Kon' from ''Konpaku''

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I think it's Kon

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xD No, Kon is a defective Soul replacement from Soul Society, that lives inside a Teddy Bear. ¬¬

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The song is Alones by Auqa Timez...It is the sixth opening to Bleach.

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Quinton Flynn . Also one of the four current Mod Souls

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Voice actor? Mitsuaki Madono. Same voice as Kon in Bleach.

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The sing is called "ALONES" By Aqua Timez, The opening is opening 6.

In the show bleach why do all the characters hate Kon?

I think they just find him annoying but then again he did try to steal ichigo's body

Why did Ichigo name Kon Kon?

His name is a short for Kaizō Konpaku (改造 魂魄, Modified soul or Mod-soul for short). Ichigo thought that naming him Kai would make him sound cool, hence this is why Kon is named this.

Does anyone kiss in One Piece?

While Kon, the mod soul, was in Ichigo's body, he kissed Orihime and Tatsuki's hands. Also Rukia makes Ichigo and Kon kiss. (It is to be noted that there is a discussion area for this question.)