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The bright line emission spectrum tells us the amount of energy between the exited and ground state. When electrons move from an exited state to a ground state, radiant energy of a specific frequency is emitted this creates spectral lines.

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Q: What does line spectrum tell us?
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What can a star's spectrum tell us?

scientists can tell the stars composition and temperature from its spectrum. Hope tht helps :]

Why is there a line spectrum over a continuous spectrum in a spectroscope?

The lines in a spectroscope tell what element(s) are being observed. The continuous color are background noise or put there for a reference.

What do the bright lines in a bright light spectrum tell us?

to identify elements

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Who discovered the dark line spectrum?

Lippershey first discovered a dark-line spectrum.

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Is an absorption spectrum also called a bright line spectrum?

No, its an absorption spectrum

What is a star's emission spectrum?

The emission spectrum of a star is the spectrum of frequencies for emitted electromagnetic radiation during the transition of an atom's electrons from a high-energy state to a low-energy state. The emission spectrum can differ depending on the temperature and composition of the star.

What does an epiphyseal line tell us?

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Why was the study of line spectra useful in the discovery of new elements?

The bright line spectrum is useful because it shows us the different particles in the elements.

What were dark lines in the spectrum named for?

Dark lines especially in solar spectrum have been named as Fraunhofer lines. These line are good examples for line absorption spectrum