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above link is for urban dictionary and gives two explanations

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Q: What does making purple mean?
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How does the experimental probability of making purple compared with the theoretical probability of making purple?

It is not clear why there should be any probability involved. The process of making purple is well understood and so is deterministic, not probabilistic.It is not clear why there should be any probability involved. The process of making purple is well understood and so is deterministic, not probabilistic.It is not clear why there should be any probability involved. The process of making purple is well understood and so is deterministic, not probabilistic.It is not clear why there should be any probability involved. The process of making purple is well understood and so is deterministic, not probabilistic.

What do purple mean in the bible?

If you mean what does purple mean in the Bible, I believe I can answer your question. Purple as a color in the Bible represents wealth or royalty. If someone were a seller of purple cloth it would mean that they are well off financially because of who they are selling it to.

How do you make gray from light purple?

you just keep making the purple lighter and lighter and then when its gray you have turned light purple into gray

Does purple mean love?

i think that purple means love!!

If a star is purple does it mean it cold?

There is no such thing as a purple star.

Are purple top clovers rare?

If you mean oxalis, the purple are not rare.

What does the purple bandana mean?

Where I come from purple bandanas symbolizes Saints

Are they making a Pokemon purple?

well its just the company who dose it.

What do the colors mean on the republica dominicana mean?

what does the color purple mean

Is a purple martin a songbird?

Purple martins are fairly noisy, chirping and making sounds that have been described as chortles, rattles, and croaks.

Why are Justin Bieber's eyes purple on the video One lonely girl?

they are probably contacts or the reflection of the sun making them look purple

What does pourpre mean in french?
