

What does marijuana do the the lungs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It damages it! Hope I helped

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Q: What does marijuana do the the lungs?
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Can marijuana effect your lungs?

Yes. anything you smoke or inhale can infect your lungs.

How does marijuana get inside you?

It enters through the capillaries of the lungs.

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that's an odd question . What do you mean by blackening the lungs? there has never been any cancer associated with smoking marijuana.

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Does marijuana damage lungs like tobacco?

not like tobacco

How bad is marijuana on the lungs?

bad but not as bad as smoking ciggarettes

What kind of drug is absorbed through the blood vessels in the lungs?

maybe marijuana? you smoke it and you inhale the smoke with your lungs..

Does marijuana hurt your body in any way?

There is some damage to the lungs caused by marijuana smoke inhalation. (However, note that marijuana does not necessarily have to be smoked, it can also be brewed as tea.) Interestingly, marijuana smoke has not been found to be carcinogenic, unlike cigarette smoke. However, marijuana smoke is still an irritant to the lungs and can contribute to the eventual development of emphysema.

Why is marijuana unhealthy for healthy people and good for people with medical problems?

One might argue that smoking marijuana is bad for your lungs, since smoking anything is bad for your lungs. As for marijuana specifically, there is no scientific evidence that using the drug is bad for one's health.