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Q: What does materials mean in cooking?
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What are the materials in used cooking oil substitute for diesel?

Vegetable Oil Fuel Conversion

Why are cooking materials made of stainless Steel?

prevents food sticking on the cooking materials, distributes heat well cause of conduction, and it will also be more durable instead of other materials

Why heavy materials in cooking is important?

Heavy materials are important in cooking because they conduct heat much better than light material equipment. These materials are slow to heat up, however.

Cooking materials that begin with M?

mince, meat,

What are the materials stored in metals with covers?

cooking oil and gasoline

What are the materials stored in metals with covers Answer?

cooking oil and gasoline

What does uncovered mean in cooking?

Uncovered in cooking means cooking with no lid or covering.

What happens to raspberries and the chemicals when cooked?

Cooking modify the chemical composition of materials.

What would cause fire that starts with the letter i?

ignition of food or cooking materials

What is the meaning of gs mean in cooking?

Gs means grams in cooking.

What cooking materials does Norway use to cook?

Norway uses the same cooking pots as much of Europe. That can be cast iron, copper, steel, and ceramic.

What does OVB mean in cooking?

OVB is not a cooking term, but is a brand of silverware.