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People who can think beyond what was required of by using association and other creative means to achieve the goal of not only answer the answer but a chain reaction to lead away to that original thought.

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Q: What does mean by active thinker?
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What does renaissance thinker mean?

A Renaissance thinker refers to a scholar, philosopher, or artist who lived during the Renaissance period (14th to 17th centuries) in Europe. These thinkers were known for their innovative ideas, intellectual curiosity, and contributions to the advancement of knowledge in fields such as art, science, literature, and philosophy. Examples of Renaissance thinkers include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Galileo Galilei.

What does creative thinker mean?

A creative thinker is someone who approaches problems or situations in unique and innovative ways. They are able to think outside the box, make connections others may not see, and come up with original solutions. Creative thinkers often challenge conventional thinking and perspectives.

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Fiery thinker

Where does the the thinker live?

If you mean Rodin's statue called The Thinker, it can be found in the Musée Rodin in Paris, France.

What does it mean to be quick minded?

to be a quick thinker. :)

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A scholar or thinker

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It means your smart and a good thinker.

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It is Arabic and means Thinker; Councilor

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"After-Thinker" or "Afterthought"

What are the 6 stages of critical thinking?

Remembering: recalling information. Understanding: comprehending information. Applying: using knowledge in new situations. Analyzing: breaking down information into parts. Evaluating: assessing information for credibility. Creating: generating new ideas based on existing knowledge.

What does thinkers mean?

It takes a wise person to be a Renaissance thinker with perseverance.

What does the color sky blue mean?

this color mean funny, creative, and a thinker outside of the box