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Perhaps you mean "es tut mir leid"? Literally this translates as "it does me sorrow" but is used as "I'm sorry"

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Q: What does mir leid mean in German?
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What does es tut mir leid mean in German?

I am sorry.

'I am sorry' in German?

"Ich entschuldige mich."

How do you say 'I am sorry' in German?

"es tut mir leid"

How do you say I'm so sorry in German?

Es tut mir Leid, (I am sorry) or Es tut mir furchtbar Leid, (I am terribly sorry)

How do you say 'sorry' in German?

"sorry" translates as "Entschuldigung" "i am sorry" translates as "Es tut mir leid"

How do you say you are sorry for not understanding in German?

es tut mir leid, ich verstehe nicht.

How do you spell the word 'regret' in German?

"Bedauern" is the German word for "regret". much to my regret > sehr zu meinem Bedauern. Also "Bereuen" You will regret that > Das werden Sie Bereuen. The choice is dependent on the intended meaning of the sentence.

How do you say Sorry you have a girlfriend in German?

Sorry, I have a girlfriend = Es tut mir Leid, ich habe eine Freundin

How do you say sorry your leaving in German?

Sorry, ich verlasse Deutschland. Es tut mir leid, ich verlasse Deutschland.

What does mir mean in German?

Mir = me

How do you say apologies in German?

Es tut mir leid is "I AM SORRY" in German! P.S. I recommend you use: DICTIONARY.COM...[Translator] You can use the Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Translator!

What does entschuldigen mean in German?

Entschuldigung? well if you say "oh, Entschuldigung" it means "oh, sorry", so basically sorry, or i apologize. but if you want to say "i'm sorry", its "tut mir leid". hope that helps! (: