"es tut mir leid"
In german we say Richter. I can pronounce it correctly but I don't know how to describe it, sorry :(
It would be : "entschuldigung"(short form: schuldigung) or "tut mir leid" (litterally: I'm sorry) though German youth does say "sorry" now with a German accent that swallows the "rr"s
Sorry, I have a girlfriend = Es tut mir Leid, ich habe eine Freundin
Es tut mir Leid, (I am sorry) or Es tut mir furchtbar Leid, (I am terribly sorry)
Sorry, ich verlasse Deutschland. Es tut mir leid, ich verlasse Deutschland.
Entschuldigung? well if you say "oh, Entschuldigung" it means "oh, sorry", so basically sorry, or i apologize. but if you want to say "i'm sorry", its "tut mir leid". hope that helps! (:
es tut mir leid, ich verstehe nicht.
Sorry, Question needs more specifics.
Sorry! It is not a German word.
Sorry that was suppose to say a mint mark of an "A" on the PFENNIG.
Es tut mir leid is "I AM SORRY" in German! P.S. I recommend you use: DICTIONARY.COM...[Translator] You can use the Thesaurus, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Translator!