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women are more intelligent than men

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Q: What does more blood flow in women's brains mean?
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What does retrograde flow mean in the heart?

After an ultrasound of my left arm ( for blood clot) .I wwas told that the blood flow is retrograde.I just underwent aortc vavle transplant.this being my third.the mitral and tricuspid. does retrograde blood flow mean

What does hairy toes mean?

It means you have a good blood flow

Does profusion mean the flow of blood through the vessels of an organ?

No, perfusion means flow of blood through the vessels of the organs. Profusion means abundance.

What do you mean by viscous flow?

Its the Speed of which the flow travels, Water will travel faster than blood or yogurt

What does the term haemostasis mean?

surgical procedure of stopping the flow of blood (as with a hemostat)

How blood flow to an organ can change even if mean arterial pressure does not?


What does induced painful wounds mean?

caused by a lack of blood flow to the extremities

What do cold spots on your leg mean?

You probly have bad blood flow to your legs

What does clean blood mean when on your period?

It depends on what you mean by 'clean blood' during your period. Your menstrual flow isn't dirty so your blood should always be 'clean' during menstruation.

What is the driving force for blood flow through the systemic circuit?

mean arterial pressure

What is a pervaded blood vessel in the forearm mean?

The term means through out. Most tissues are like this. It means that blood vessels and blood flow are everywhere in the forearm as it should be.

What is tissue perfusion?

Blood flow and tissue perfusion are NOT the same thing. An increase in blood flow does not always mean that there is a parallel increase in tissue perfusion. While blood flow is generally understood as an increase in the total amount of blood flowing into an anatomic structure or region, tissue perfusion is the amount of blood that actually flow through the capillaries of the vascular bed of that structure or region. The important thing to remember is that nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells via the capillaries.