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Q: What does native Americans longhouses tell us about the northwest coast?
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How did northwest coast native Americans get food?

oceans,river and forest

How did the food Native Americans ate reflect where they lived?

I have an example. The northwest coast ate salmon. It was a main resource. So native Americans that ate salmon that were most likely to be from the northwest coast region.

What did Indians in northwest coast live in?

Longhouses or Log cabins.

What effect did the arrival of the europeansto the northwest coast have on the native Americans living there?

The Native Americans lived happy with the national cap

What is the name of the kind of house that the northwest coast Indians house lived in?


Did the natives teach the new settlers how to make teepees?

No. The Native Americans on the East Coast did not live in teepees, but longhouses. They didnt wear head dresses or ride horses either.

What did the northwest coast Indians live in?

well, they lived in houses called,"Big Houses."

Which groups of Native Americans lived in the pacific coast?

There are many groups of native Americans who lived in the Pacific coast. The native Americans who lived in the Pacific Coast were the Chetco, the Cayuse, the Bannock, the Atfalati, and the Therelsea.

Pacific Northwest Indians?

The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest live in an area that ranges from the south of Alaska to the state of Washington. These Native Americans are well-known for their carved totem poles.

How did Canadian Northwest coast aboriginals meet their basic needs?

how native Americans use natural resources to survive

Name the seven areas where Native Americans developed different ways of living?

california intermountains,southeast,southwest,great prairies,northwest alaska,eastern woodland,northwest coast anyways ur welcome bye!!!!!!!!!!

What are the differences between the Northwest Coast culture Region and the Subarctic or Arctic Region?

Northwest coast and Subarctic are much warmer the Arctic. The land is more forest-like and has more animals in the Northwest coast and Subarctic. The Arctic culture live in snowhouses, and the other live in wigwams and longhouses. the main source of food for Northwest is salmon, Subarctic is most wildlife and Arctic ate mainly seal.