

What does neurotoxic mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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ADJ. Poisonous to nerve tissue, as to the brain or spinal cord.

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Q: What does neurotoxic mean?
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Is a Swamp Adder the deadliest snake in India?

The Indian krait is considered as the deadliest snake in India. Its venom is extremely neurotoxic and induces muscle paralysis and causes death.

Will something happen if you get bit by a Garner Snake?

Gardner snakes produce a very small amount of very mild venom. In fact, until recently, people did not even know they are venomous. The venom is slightly neurotoxic.

Is rattlesnake venom a hemotoxin or a neurotoxin?

It depends. Rattlesnakes are one of the most common species of venomous snakes in the Western Hemisphere. There are thirty-two different species and seventy-five subspecies of rattler. All have hemotoxic venom, some have both hemotoxic and neurotoxic venom.

Difference between cobra snake and viper snake?

Cobras are apart of the group Elapidae (elapids) which include other neurotoxic snakes such as Kraits and Coral Snakes. This group is separate from the other main group of venomous snakes, Viperidea (vipers), which include Rattlesnakes and Puff Adders. That being said, there are many differences between elapids and vipers. Elapids are generally long, slender snakes with small, fixed front fangs. Vipers on the other hand are usually stout-bodied with a triangular lance-like head that have long, hinged front fangs. Also, elapids possess neurotoxic venom while vipers have hemotoxic venom (in come cases a viper can have a blend of both as seen in Neo-tropical Rattlesnakes)

When comparing the brown recluse spider to the blak widow spider how are they alike?

They actually aren't very alike at all. Brown recluse spiders are of the family Sicariidae. They have necrotic venom. Necrotic venom causes tissue death, hence why victims of brown recluse bites often have large, gaping wounds where they were bit. Deaths occurring from brown recluse bites are usually not due to the bite or venom, but because of infection in the wound. Both males and females are equally venemous. There is currently no antivenom for brown recluse bites. Black widows are of the family Theridiidae. Their venom is neurotoxic. Instead of killing tissue, neurotoxic venom attacks the body's systems, acting at the junction of motor nerves, muscles, and peripheral nerves causing increasing pain and difficulty breathing because of severe chest pain. Only females are large enough to pierce human skin. There is an antivenom for black widow bites, however many people are just as allergic to it as they are the bite itself. These patients have to stay in the hospital for weeks and wait out the effects of the venom until it passes.

Related questions

Is cobra a haemotoxic or neurotoxic snake?

Neurotoxic, which means the venom attacks the nervous system.

What kind of venom do belcher sea snakes have?

Neurotoxic venom

How does tree frog protect from predators?

they have neurotoxic poison all over their skin

How many type of snake venom?

There are three type of snake venom such as neurotoxic,hemotoxic and myotoxic.

Why is the Brazilian Wandering Spider the most dangerous spider in the world?

These spiders are extremely aggressive have very toxic venom, which is both necrotic (causes tissue death) and neurotoxic (attacks nervous system). Most toxic spiders' venom is either necrotic or neurotoxic, not both.

How is speed bad for you?

Speed(Amphetamine) Is neurotoxic, cardiotoxic, and hepatoxic, meaning it is toxic to the brain, liver, and heart.

What is a mamba?

Mambas are neurotoxic snakes. The Black Mamba is extremely fast & aggressive. The green Mamba is just as toxic.

What are the major substances in the nervous system?

Neurotoxicology is the medical specialty that deals with the unwanted effects of chemicals on the nervous system. In the United States and Canada, most adults with serious neurotoxic disease are showing the side effects of either prescribed drugs, substance abuse or suicide attempts involving neurotoxic chemicals. People can also contract neurotoxic disease from biological poisons venoms, fish toxins, toxic plants and from occupational and environmental chemicals, but such illnesses are uncommon in North America. For children, most neurotoxic problems arise from unknowingly ingesting hazardous household substances. Neurotoxicology is also a specialty of veterinary medicine, and in that field the most common toxins are plants. That is my answer and i am sticking to it! Boom shaka laka!

What type of venom does a toadfish have?

It's a type of tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxic venom similar to the kind found in fugu (Japanese blowfish).

What is a batrachotoxin?

A batrachotoxin is a member of a group of neurotoxic and cardiotoxic steroidal alkaloids found in poison dart frogs and some other creatures.

What is batrachotoxin?

A batrachotoxin is a member of a group of neurotoxic and cardiotoxic steroidal alkaloids found in poison dart frogs and some other creatures.

What are the types of venom?

Snake venom is highly modified saliva that is produced by special glands of certain species of snakes. Snake venom can be divided into two broad categories. That of hemotoxicity and neurotoxicity. Hemotoxic venom effects the blood and organs, causing a breakdown or inflammation in the body. Hemotoxic bites are the most painful as breathing hurts and tissues start to die. Neurotoxic venom, as the name suggests, effect the nervous system, leading to everything from siezures to death. Neurotoxic bites are the most deadly. Although we have these two wonderful different categories, no snake fits completely in each. Many snakes incorporate both neurotoxic and hemotoxic venom in their bites so when telling them apart one goes by which type is more predominant. For instance King Cobra has predominantly neurotoxic venom while the eastern diamondback rattlesnake has predominantly hemotoxic venom.