

What is a batrachotoxin?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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8y ago

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A batrachotoxin is a member of a group of neurotoxic and cardiotoxic steroidal alkaloids found in poison dart frogs and some other creatures.

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Q: What is a batrachotoxin?
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What is batrachotoxin?

A batrachotoxin is a member of a group of neurotoxic and cardiotoxic steroidal alkaloids found in poison dart frogs and some other creatures.

What poison is used for darts?

Ancient natives of South America tipped their darts with the poison of the dart frogs. This poison's chemical name is batrachotoxin, which is a very powerful neurotoxin.

Is a dart frog really poison?

Dart frogs contain a poison called batrachotoxin. This is a nerve poison that causes seizures and convulsions. The deadliest dart frog is the yellow one, Phyllobates terribilis.

Why are poison dart frogs poisonous?

This is caused by their diet in the wild. They eat other poisonous insects which can then be transferred to the frogs skin and become poisonous.To simply protect itself against predators.the skin of this species contains less batrachotoxin than the similar golden poison frog P. terribilis. Batrachotoxin is a steroidal alkaloid secreted from skin glands and is deadly to other small animals. It blocks neuromuscular transmission, resulting in muscle and respiratory paralysis and death. Extrapolating from the lethal dosage (LD) in rats, approximately 136 micrograms of this alkaloid is the lethal dosage for a 150 pound (68 kilogram) person. This minute amount is roughly equivalent to the weight of two or three grains of ordinary table salt (NaCl).

Does amphibians have any sort of defense system?

Toads have a pair of glands called paratoid glands just behind their eyes that release a toxin called bufotoxin,which varies in toxicity. Poison dart frogs cover their skin in toxins, one common one being batrachotoxin. Frogs will first of all jump into the body of water and bury themselves in the sediment and dirt at the bottom. They can also puff themselves up and appear big, and most frogs have a loud distress call.

Which is the most poisonous bird?

The most poisonous bird is considered to be the Hooded Pitohui, native to Papua New Guinea. Their skin and feathers contain a powerful neurotoxin called batrachotoxin, which can cause numbness and tingling upon contact.

How long does it take for a scorpion bite to kill you?

Most deaths occur during the first 24 hours after the sting from a Centruroides genus of scorpion. Young children and older people with heart or respiratory problems should seek immediate medical attention. Stings from other types of scorpions will make you miserable for a day or so and can be relieved with an analgesic. If you can capture the scorpion and take it with you to the doctor, it may help in determining the proper treatment.Never.Scorpions do not bite they sting.Some kinds of scorpion venom affect the liver and you might live for decades until you die from liver failure.

How does a Strawberry poison dart frog survive?

They don't.When the poison dart frogs get startled they secrete a poison from their skin.So anything and anyone touching the frog will get the frog's poison on their skin, where it can cause anything from mild swelling and discomfort to death.Thus, anything that ingests the frog will die.

What is the world's most poisonous animal?

For its size the most poisonous animal in the world is the marine cone snail. It lives in the indian and pacific oceans near australia, and after it shoots its poisonous detachable harpoon at you, you will die in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette.The tiny South American 'poison arrow frogs' produce lethal poison on their skin. Other candidates for most poisonous would be the box jellyfish, the marbled-cone snail, and the Brazilian wandering spider.There are many poisonous / venomous animals, which depending on the dose could prove injurious or fatal to humans. They include:- Blue-ringed octopus- Sea snakes such as the yellow-bellied sea snake- Snakes such as the black snake, rattle-snake, cobras, and mambas- Fish such as scorpion fish, puffer fish, and stonefish- Jellyfish such as the Portuguese man-o-war- Spiders such as the black widow and brown recluse- Mexican beaded lizard- Scorpions- African bees- Lonomia moth (caterpillars)- even the male platypusThe poison arrow frog and certain salamanders would have to top most people's list of "The World's Most Poisonous Animals." - Two micrograms of toxin from the poison arrow frog is enough to kill a human. A "microgram" is a very small amount. The ink in the period at the end of this sentence (if it were printed) will weigh around six micrograms.* Phyllobates terribillis, otherwise known as the Golden Dart Frog, is the the most toxic of all the Poison Dart Frogs: while most of these toxic frogs use tetrodotoxin, the Golden Dart Frog uses batrachotoxin, a toxin eleven-times more potent than Hydrogen Sulfite.Probably the tiny jellyfish realted to the box jelly called Irukandji. They are so small you really can't see them in the water under normal conditions. And if you make contact with them, your symptoms don't present until later - when the poison is making its way through your bloodstream. Pound for pound, there is almost certainly nothing more deadly than this little guy. Wikipedia has more information, and in the best tradition of Wikianswers, we've already provided a link for you.The Golden poison dart frogthe most piousness animal in the world is the box-jelly fishthe most poisonus animal on earth is the GOLDEN POISON DART FROG.Actually marine snakes are vastly more poisonous but the most poisonousanimal is difficult to determine. Do you mean if eaten by you or if it bites ringed octupuss,duck billed platipus,the black snake,scorpion fish

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labiogression, balsamiferous, parapaguridae, participatory, vandalisation, magnoliaceous, faultfindings, calculatingly, radioactinium, macroclimates, mathematiques, bacteriologic, passionflower, parasigmatism, xanthochroism, laryngologist, patrimonially, manipulations, fasciculation, jargonization, pancreatotomy, calligraphist, vasoganglions, nasolachrymal, mastoplasties, galactolipide, paracanthosis, kaffeeklatsch, maladroitness, gastrovscular, vandalization, valorizations, pasqueflowers, haemorrhaging, pathognomonic, labiatiflorae, vascularising, gametokinetic, cancerologist, malacologists, parthenocarpy, macronutrient, catheterizing, participially, hallucination, macromolecule, manufacturers, parenthesises, cardiospastic,, catastrophist, radiothermies, cartographies, balantidiasis, hallucinogens, familiarizers, carnification, canaliculated, sacrificially, cannibalising, patronisingly, galvanisation, manuscription, maladjustment, cardiopathies, parthenopaeus, mammoplasties, 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maltreatments, gastrological, paternalistic, cardiorrhaphy, valuelessness, bacterisation, haemodialysis, baccalaureate, maculopapular, managerialism, bamboozlement, parexcellence, marsupialised, latitudinally, masticatories, carbunculosis, cacophonously, pantagruelism, parthenogenic, backworldsmen, xanthomatosis, capercaillies, parathyroidal, balantidiases, , mastoidectomy, radioautogram, galactosidase, laryngologies, matrimonially, nationalistic, karyenchymata, rationaleness, materialising, macropetalous, basidiospores, carlovingians, paleostriatum, ramifications, palatoschises, saurodontidae, dacryadenitis, marketability, laryngotomies, talocalcaneal, vasoinhibitor, laryngoplegia, batrachotoxin, carpetbaggers, familiarizing, variationally, gastrostomies, sarsaparillas, paralytically, participating, kaleidoscopic, vaginectomies, palatographic, gastronomists, barytocalcite, halogenations, barbarousness, ratiocination, sarcoplasmata, laryngoscopic, bandspreading, cancerization, valvulotomies, paphlagonians, lactoglobulin, radiographers, catechization, magnetometery, magistratical, backwardation, iatrogenicity, narcotisation, particularist, familiarisers, marbleisation, radioisotopes, paradidymides, facetiousness, landownership, canonisations, capillariasis, taxonomically, saponaceouses, gastrorrhaphy, gallicization, carburization, carbonisation, gastrocnemius, mastoparietal, carbonization, sacrospinalis, familiarising, kaleidoscopes, salmonberries, sacrolumbalis, palatoglossal, haemarthrosis, catechumenism, caprification, mathematician, manageability, capsulization, calculational, bartonelloses, bacteriogenic, haematocolpos, lateroduction, carburisation, carbenicillin, valorisations, tantalisingly, parasynthetic, manifestative, paraffinomata, tantalization, paranormality, garrulousness, paravaginitis, patentability, halfheartedly, magnification, catastrophism, radioisotopic, magisterially, rachicentesis, xanthoprotein, manslaughters, maduromycoses, laevorotatory, parliamentary, manufactories, maladaptation, radiculectomy, magnitudinous, handkerchiefs, naturellement, radiochemists, campanologist, cardiographes, tastelessness, materialistic, banderilleros, taboparalysis, maternalistic, larvatedrecta, cassegrainian, parapoplexies, rationalizers, fatiguability, narcissuseses, labyrinthitis, variolization, macroglobulin, palaeozoology, paraproctitis, vacuolisation, laughingstock, masterstrokes, parapsoriases, paraganglioma, palletization, tachyphylaxis, vasectomizing, galeopithecus, gastroscopies, galvanoscopic, magnetosphere, paleocortices, tantalizingly, yachtsmanship, particularity, patronizingly, labiogingival, catabolically, panendoscopic, malacophyllus, randomisation, capitulations, sacrococcygei, fantastically, cardinalships, tartarization, cameralistics, salpingostomy, catechistical, saccharomyces, cannibalistic, masculinities, parasiticidic, saccharometer, massachusetts, lacedaemonian, marlinespikes, paraganglions, naphthalising, ratiocinators, radiopacities, katabatically, saprophytical, gastrectomies, sanctimonious, narcohypnoses, sagaciousness, parasynthesis, galvanization, mastigophoran, carrapatinhos, malacological, radiochemical, maxilliferous, sacrotuberous, manipulatable, karyorrhectic, particularise, hatemongering, magistratibus, faultlessness, damnification, rationalising, hagiographies, cardiokinetic, parapsoriasis, pallaesthesia, salpingitises, parasitogenic, waterproofing, painstakingly, martyrologist, paragraphical, canonizations, cardiometries, pantaloonette, sarcophaguses, laryngectomee, materfamilias, palatoschisis, navigableness, lateropulsion, haemorrhoidal, gasterophilus, dadaistically, galactosamine, cartelization, vapotherapies, mammographies, salmonellosis, malabsorption, radiobiologic, callisthenics, carbunculoses, masculineness, calorimetries, salmonelloses, machiavellian, haemodialyses, carthaginians, labyrinthodon, marchantiales, laevorotation, vacillatingly, palimbacchius, pacifications, cantharidised, matrilocality, parakeratoses, cardiectomies, haematologist, hallucinating, daguerreotype, saxifragaceae, capillariosis, haemophiliacs, paleostriatal, bantamweights, gastrophrenic, pachyacriaing, calcospherite, jacamaralcyon, gablewindowed, tablespoonful, cardiographer, capillariases, panmyelopathy, paraumbilical, bartholinitis, parainfluenza, papyrological, labialisation, vapourability, paraphernalia, rationalistic, calcification, xanthochromia, salvationists, galvanotropic, javellization, saccharolytic, galactorrhoea, dasyproctidae, rangerfinders, halicarnassus, calvinistical, ballastoffice, balneological, tachistoscope, salaciousness, jargonisation, calligraphers, damnabilities, cardiohepatic, fascistically, haphazardness, calculability, talkativeness, bartonellosis, narcohypnosis, rarefactional, tapinocephaly, magnificences, pathoneurosis, radiometrical, taciturnities, parenthesized, maladaptively, bammoozlement, bacteriophage, carcinomatous, ballisticians, sandblindness, cardiological, rapturousness, haematoxylons, capercailzies, cancerophobia, palaeognathae, sadomasochist, papaveraceous, daguerreotypy, patriotically, saccharifying, canalisations, gastrologists, habronemiasis, laterotorsion, cancellations, callithamnion, capitalisable, calathumpians, capsuligerous