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For its size the most poisonous animal in the world is the marine cone snail. It lives in the indian and pacific oceans near Australia, and after it shoots its poisonous detachable harpoon at you, you will die in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette.
The tiny South American 'poison arrow frogs' produce lethal poison on their skin. Other candidates for most poisonous would be the box jellyfish, the marbled-cone snail, and the Brazilian wandering spider.

There are many poisonous / venomous animals, which depending on the dose could prove injurious or fatal to humans. They include:

- Blue-ringed octopus

- Sea snakes such as the yellow-bellied sea snake

- Snakes such as the black snake, rattle-snake, cobras, and mambas

- Fish such as scorpion fish, puffer fish, and stonefish

- Jellyfish such as the Portuguese man-o-war

- Spiders such as the black widow and brown recluse

- Mexican beaded lizard

- Scorpions

- African bees

- Lonomia moth (caterpillars)

- even the male platypus

The poison arrow frog and certain salamanders would have to top most people's list of "The World's Most Poisonous Animals." - Two micrograms of toxin from the poison arrow frog is enough to kill a human. A "microgram" is a very small amount. The ink in the period at the end of this sentence (if it were printed) will weigh around six micrograms.

* Phyllobates terribillis, otherwise known as the Golden Dart Frog, is the the most toxic of all the Poison Dart Frogs: while most of these toxic frogs use tetrodotoxin, the Golden Dart Frog uses batrachotoxin, a toxin eleven-times more potent than Hydrogen Sulfite.
Probably the tiny jellyfish realted to the box jelly called Irukandji. They are so small you really can't see them in the water under normal conditions. And if you make contact with them, your symptoms don't present until later - when the poison is making its way through your bloodstream. Pound for pound, there is almost certainly nothing more deadly than this little guy. Wikipedia has more information, and in the best tradition of Wikianswers, we've already provided a link for you.

The Golden poison dart frogthe most piousness animal in the world is the box-jelly fish
the most poisonus animal on earth is the GOLDEN POISON DART FROG.

Actually marine snakes are vastly more poisonous but the most poisonous

animal is difficult to determine. Do you mean if eaten by you or if it bites you.
blue ringed octupuss,duck billed platipus,the black snake,scorpion fish

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8y ago

the most poisonous animal in the world is the golden poison dart frog. it has enough venom to kill about 20,000 mice and 100 humans.AND 4 ALL U STUPIDS OUT THERE WHO KEEP SAYIN THAT SOME SNAKE OR SOMETHING IS THE MOST POISONOUS, U NEED TO GET IT STRAIT. this animal may b small but it IS the most poisonous.Well there is the Water snake, Gila monster, and the Lion fish but the most poisenous fish is the box jelly fish. Why is because there is no cure and you can die in less than 2 minutes
The black widow spider and the black mamba snake are probably the most poisonous animals on Earth.

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13y ago

The Asian White Spitting Cobra. It can shoot venom deadly enough to kill 15 men at once.

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12y ago

Box jellyfish. They can kill you with one drop of venom in 10 minutes. One drop can also kill 50 men.

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the chironex fleckeri, a type of box jellyfish has the deadliest poison on earth. It's sting can kill sixty adults in just three minutes!

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The Brazillian Wandering spider

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