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Q: What does night-blooming jasmine smell like?
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What comes out at night?

Moonflower/Nightblooming cereus

What smell have a jasmine flower?


Smell that starts with J?

Jasmine flowers have a nice smell. They begin with J.

What is Alan Rickman's favorite smell?

Alan Rickman has stated in an interview that his favourite smell is jasmine. This does not mean that you should go up to him or lure him somewhere with jasmine flowers or jasmine scent. That would be terrible for Mr. Rickman if anyone did that, though that is Alan's favourite scent...Jasmine. Jasmine smells wonderul to be honest too, so he's got a great sense of smell.

What should jasmine do?

If you are talking about the name Jasmine, it is a type of flower. It is purple, and it has many buds on one stem. Jasmine has a very floral smell. It is good to breathe it in, and it can soothe the system, calming you down. People also use jasmine in tea, so that should tell you how good jasmine is for the body.

Where can you get clothes like jasmine v?

on jasmine v

Does jasmine bullock smell?

YEH BATES !! Yes, Jasmine Bullock smell........ {| |- | |}

What does Clinique Wrappings perfume smell like?

Clinique Wrappings perfume smells primarily like flowers. It contains essences of lavender, hiacinth, jasmine and rose plus nutmeg, leather, musk and oakmoss.

How much does jasmine Villegas make?

Jasmine makes like 30,00,00

What animals like to eat Jasmine flowers?

Jasmine flowers are sometimes eaten by animals such as chickens. However false jasmine or yellow jasmine is poisonous.

What does the color jasmine look like?

the color of the jasmine is white and red

How does Jasmine Tea taste What is it used for?

"Jasmine tea tastes just how jasmine flowers smell - floral, with a subtle sweetness. It is used to help with relaxation, sleep, and is full of anti-oxidants which has many health benefits. Go to UsTwoTea's website for a full flavor profile and a notes description."